Outputting from FCP split track audio

Posted by FB999 
Outputting from FCP split track audio
November 14, 2008 12:38PM
I have been unable to out put my time line with a Vo on ch 1 and music & efx on ch 2- there must be a setting that would allow me to do this - currently all outputs are mixed down. Thanks so much for your time.



Re: Outputting from FCP split track audio
November 14, 2008 03:13PM
1 with your timelline as the active window>cmd 0 (sequence settings)
2 Audio Ouput Tab>change grouping to dual mono for the tracks you want to islolate>OK
3 File>Export>Audio to AIFF(s)
4 Choose Rate (48 khz), Depth (24-bit), Config: Channel Grouped, Save
5 QC your tracks (Quality Control, meaning listen to them to hear if that is what you want)

*I'm assuming you only have two tracks. If you have more, then you will have to specify them in the Audio Ouput Tab (outputs) and then assign them in the timeline. (eg ctrl click a3 and assign it to 3&4, ctrl click a4 and assign it to 3&4 etc.
Re: Outputting from FCP split track audio
November 14, 2008 08:54PM

Quicktime Player and most other quicktime apps are not configured to interpret split track audio correctly. Instead they assume that any Quicktime Movie is stereo. The problem is then, that as your audio is mono and so carries no panning data QT assumes it to be center panned, hence plays back fully mixed.

Now, if your end target playback device is able to interpret the split tracks correctly, or you are handing off to another editor using FCP then don't worry, go ahead and export your split track quicktime files as usual ... even though Quicktime Player won't interpret the audio tracks correctly the split tracks are still there.

If your end target playback device is not able to interpret the split tracks then you need to give it a left and right panned stereo file instead, then it will be understood by any quicktime aware app. Change your sequence audio outputs from Mono to Stereo. Then in the timeline select all your Ch 1 audio and choose Modify menu > Audio > Pan Left, and for the Ch 2 audio choose Modify menu > Audio > Pan Right. Now export your quicktime movie as normal and you should find that the track separation is correctly preserved and interpreted by the player.

Hope it helps
Re: Outputting from FCP split track audio
November 15, 2008 12:34AM
>I have been unable to out put my time line with a Vo on ch 1 and music & efx on ch 2

Stereo is basically 2 audio channels- track 1 left, track 2 right. So you could pan as Andy mentioned. This is pretty straghtforward, as you have only 2 tracks on your final output.

Otherwise, you can export AIFF with the specific tracks enabled, then piece them together on a duplicated timeline. Go to sequence settings, toggle them to dual mono, drop 6dBs of gain (if they are stereo), and assign tracks, then export a SCQT.

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