Anyone using Final Cut Server?
December 03, 2008 11:22PM

Anyone in the Los Angeles area?
Re: Anyone using Final Cut Server?
December 09, 2008 03:41PM
Yes - well attempting too at least. I have had endless issues with just
setting the system up, networking the 2 editbays, server and RAID system.
Is there anyone out there with hands on experience with Final Cut Server?
I am looking to hire someone to come into the studio and help set up the system,
and do a hands on tutorial to help with our workflow. ???

The company we hired to set up the hardware has NO knowledge of server -
something we found out once we were in too deep. They have been on tech
support with Apple for everyday for over a week trying to simple things set up
like exporting to Compressor / quick cluster...
anyway- any experts out there? Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Anyone using Final Cut Server?
December 09, 2008 06:54PM
I'm really not flaming Apple here, but your experience seems to be the norm, not the exception.

I too would really like to use it but totally lack the confidence to try to deploy such a complicated solution with what seems to be little to no support.

One consultant told me it would cost approximately $25K to set it up correctly. If I believed that's all it would cost I'd do it right now. But when I asked him if they had actually installed FCS or if they could introduce me to someone who is using it, well he hadn't and he couldn't.

For a product that was announced two years ago and shipping for the better part of a year this is a bit worrisome.

I have also been holding out hope for Flow but they seem to be having difficulties too. I have asked this same question on several forums with all the same results...
Re: Anyone using Final Cut Server?
December 09, 2008 07:03PM
You might try calling the boys at DigitalFilm Tree to see if they can turn you on to anyone. You cant do this by yourself but they pretty much wrote the book on this thing so its a good place to start


Michael Horton
Re: Anyone using Final Cut Server?
December 09, 2008 11:09PM
Thanks Michael, that's a good idea.

I will give that a try.
Re: Anyone using Final Cut Server?
December 10, 2008 12:23AM
Does Apple offer training classes for FCS?
Re: Anyone using Final Cut Server?
December 10, 2008 02:37AM
Not that I know of. There was a class down at some OC Apple store awhile back, believe it or not. But that was last I heard of anything.

Michael Horton
Re: Anyone using Final Cut Server?
December 11, 2008 04:25AM
Does Apple offer training classes for FCS?

Yes, there is a certification

FCSvr 100 : []

FCSvr 101 : []

FCSvr 201 : []

FCSvr T3 : []

A Day late & a Dollar-short Productions
Re: Anyone using Final Cut Server?
December 12, 2008 10:28AM
Thanks François.
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