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Self contained movie ProRess422 doesn't export full clip!!Posted by Katrin1980
My problem is kind of strange. It started when I picked up on an old topic here about why livetype titles don't appear crisp once imported in FCP. I tried everything you recommended and finally found the right settings: I exported the 3.30 mins movie which has sequence settings of: 23.97, NTSC DV (3:2) and using proress 422. Then I exported using QT and apple ProRess 422. The first livetype title at the beginning of the clip is as crisp as it should be and then there 3 more at the end of the clip. BUT it always exports only 2.50 mins of the clip. ![]() I tried everything: exporting with compressor, nesting before exporting, checking all prefs and settings... What's weird is: when I export with QT conversion it exports the whole clip...but of course the titles are then jaggy. ![]() Do you know what I'm doing wrong here please?
Hmm... Trashed FCP preferences? Make sure everything is rendered down and make sure nothing is selected in the timeline (apple option a to deselect everything).
Also, what happens if you set in/out markers? ![]() www.strypesinpost.com
Hmm... Weird. Everything is rendered and you are exporting a self contained QT movie under "current settings". At which point does it stop exporting? What kind of files are there at that point in the timeline?
![]() www.strypesinpost.com
No, under current settings I selected apple proress 422...it's the only way the titles get crisp! I don't know why but when I select 'current settings' it's not working, the titles aren't sharp.
The point where it stops exporting is on a normal movie clip. 22 seconds after that 3 more livetype clips appear as the end titles. I tried something else: I just exported another movie clip with the same settings and there it works! I feel like going nuts here... ![]()
Ah.. When you export under current settings, FCP doesn't need to render. It draws frames from the render files or source files if the frame doesn't require rendering. Make sure your sequence is set to ProRes, and fully rendered.
And also make sure you check the "high quality" checkbox in QT to watch the titles properly in full quality. ![]() www.strypesinpost.com
strypes Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Ah.. When you export under current settings, FCP > doesn't need to render. It draws frames from the > render files or source files if the frame doesn't > require rendering. Make sure your sequence is set > to ProRes, and fully rendered. > > And also make sure you check the "high quality" > checkbox in QT to watch the titles properly in > full quality. I figured so but as I wrote before if I leave it on 'current settings' the titles don't get crisp. 'high quality' is always checked. @Michael: enough space. I'm at my laptop now so I don't have exact numbers. But since I divert my files between my external drive and one other big internal drive there's always enough space. And why does it stop at 2.52? I mean, when I didn't use the ProRess codec while exporting with QT it worked. There's something the ProRess codec does to the sequence timeline...but only this specific timeline since it worked when I exported another movie under the same settings about half an hour ago. I mean, this is nothing professional...I do this to practice so I have all the time in the world to find the mistake...but really, there's gotta be a solution! those are the kind of problems you get 3 hours before deadline...and I don't want that sort of stupid problem then.
>And why does it stop at 2.52?
I'm guessing that it could be something to do with it not reading the livetype files properly (are they project files or rendered movie files?). Try rendering out the Livetype projects as movie files from that point where it refuses to export. Also, if you switch your sequence to ProRes, make sure you also select "render all yuv material in high precision YUV". Titles should look crisp. Haven't had any issues with it. Then export a QT movie under "current settings". ![]() www.strypesinpost.com
Render all yuv material in high precision.
Make sure you switch your sequence codec to ProRes HQ. If everything renders, everything should be able to export. ![]() www.strypesinpost.com
Katrin1980 Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > And why does it stop at 2.52? I mean, when I > didn't use the ProRess codec while exporting with > QT it worked. There's something the ProRess codec > does to the sequence timeline...but only this > specific timeline since it worked when I exported > another movie under the same settings about half > an hour ago. Was the other video shorter? Is your hard drive formatted FAT32?
Good point from Bigbossbmb. click the drive icon in your finder, right click, get info. It should say "format: Mac OS Extended". Always work off Mac OS extended formatted drives.
If it isn't, export your video to a mac OS extended drive. ![]() www.strypesinpost.com
FAT32 does not support files larger than 4GBs. If it is, then export to a different drive. After you send out your project, back everything up from the drive, and format the drive with disk utility.
![]() www.strypesinpost.com
Check out that drive in Utilities > Disk Utility. Click on the Erase Pane at the top of the Window. Click on the drive in the left column. If it is MS-DOS (FAT32) formatted instead of Mac OS Extended (HFS+) as it should be, this could at the heart of your problem. MS-DOS drives will cut out at a 2GB file limit and you are very likely to be hitting it.
You can also do a CMD + I on the drives as Strypes says.
In my opinion, you always must be mindful of your hard drives; how they're formatted (HFS+ or FAT32), how much room must be left for "overhead" (I suggest 15%), how to use Disk Utility, how to use Disk Warrior, how fast they are, if they are suitably fast or large enough for my projects, if they are SATA, FW800, FW400 or USB 2.0, etc. Fortunately, I was trained to think this way. Creative + Tech = Getting to deadline. Kevin Monahan Social Support Lead, DV Products Adobe Adobe After Effects Adobe Premiere Pro Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro Community Blog Follow Me on Twitter!
What he said.
Kevin Monahan Social Support Lead, DV Products Adobe Adobe After Effects Adobe Premiere Pro Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro Community Blog Follow Me on Twitter!
It's 4GBs. The difference, apparently, is whether the file format uses signed or unsigned integers. Cloak and Dagger to me, but if you transfer a file larger than 4GBs, you will get an error 0 message, or if you capture to a FAT32 drive, you should get breaks at 4 gigs.
![]() www.strypesinpost.com
I missed the possible issue with drive formatting (it's long distance pardon me, but I always check whenever I'm handed a drive). Good call, though.
The drive formatting issue can pop up, because ProRes HQ 1080 at 3 mins is around 4 gigs. This could very well be what's affecting the export. Exporting as current settings means that it exports whatever the sequence is set to (if it was set to HDV, everything will be rendered to HDV). There shouldn't be a difference between a QT export and rendering to that same codec. And another good fundamental point that Kev mentioned. Knowing the creative and technical side of things, is about meeting deadlines, learning to deliver your projects. ![]() www.strypesinpost.com
I sure hope you didn't select an HD ProRes setting. That will explain A LOT! Tell us if it works out anyway. Cheers!
![]() www.strypesinpost.com
Cool, I've bro's in Munich. Anyway my guess is...
1. If the drive was formatted to FAT32, then you may have accidentally selected a ProRes HD setting. If it is FAT32, do NOT reformat the drive without backing up your stuff first, as it will erase everything on the disk. 2. Maybe FCP doesn't like some of the Livetype project files in the timeline. Rendering a QT movie is a lot simpler than rendering a Livetype/Motion project file. Also, if you're in SD, and you have the disk space, switch to Uncompressed 10 bits. Render in high quality YUV to Uncompressed 10 bits and export a SCQT. That's what I usually do, actually. ![]() www.strypesinpost.com
I'm back at my computer. how do I get to know what kind of formatting it is? utitlities and then...? sorry to ask all that but I was just never faced with that kind of an issue.
@strypes: bros in Munich? like relatives or friends? I wanted to suggest Munich for next supermeet since I could help with bookings...but it's sooooo far away.
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