Cross Platform/ MacDrive?
January 06, 2009 01:09PM
I was wondering if anyone uses MacDrive frequently? Coz a friend had issues transferring files from a FAT32 drive to an HFS+drive on a PC with MacDrive. There seemed to be some issues with an error message about not being able to read from source files or something, but there weren't any issues when I was getting the file transfer done on the mac..

Joey? How do you work with PCs? Networked drives?
Re: Cross Platform/ MacDrive?
January 06, 2009 03:05PM
Yep...for the most part. The only drives in the Studio that aren't networked are our Avid Arrays. When I need to export edits from my Avid Adrenaline (* cough-cough...verp-choke *), I export them as "Same As Source" which exports them as Avid DNxHD files. On all my Macs, I have the latest Avid codecs installed so I can open those files in Quicktime / After Effects / FCP.


Avid Codecs LE 1.10 MAC.dmg
Avid Codecs LE 1.10

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: Cross Platform/ MacDrive?
January 06, 2009 04:00PM
Re: Cross Platform/ MacDrive?
January 07, 2009 05:01PM
Joe, are those codec for avid only or is it to ad the codecs to fcp?

""" What you do with what you have, is more important than what you could do, with what you don't have."

> > > Knowledge + Action = Wisdom - J. Corbett 1992
Re: Cross Platform/ MacDrive?
January 07, 2009 06:32PM
I've used MacDrive a lot the last few years, its always worked transparently for me. Has your buddy tried any obvious troubleshooting steps? I'd want to test the FAT32 to HSF+ factor by copying the file to an intermediate drive first.
Re: Cross Platform/ MacDrive?
January 08, 2009 02:44AM
>are those codec for avid only or is it to ad the codecs to fcp?

They are Avid codecs and they allow you to import QT files into an Avid a bit faster, losslessly too, I think.

Thanks Andy, I checked it out on the machines with MacDrive. It didn't have any issues with one of the machine, and on the other it wasn't installed properly (needed verification or something). So it works fine, for now. (Grrr.. Should have double checked it, but it was 3am when I posted)

And one more thing to add. I had a few corruption issues lately with drives formatted to yucky FAT32 (I'm not using them for editing, just storage of P2), so I checked with a friend who's an IT professional and he told me that they are more prone to corruption. So make sure your storage drives aren't formatted to FAT32.
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