opening projects in older fcp versions
January 07, 2009 12:41PM
Can anyone help me? I need to open a project created in current version of FCP on an older version as my computer is down. Does anyone know if this is going to work? Some basic keying has been done and normal cutting but nothing more.

Bit of emergency, thanks for any help.
Re: opening projects in older fcp versions
January 07, 2009 12:46PM
#45 - Opening projects with older versions of FCP

Shane's Stock Answer #45 - How to export your project to work with earlier versions of Final Cut Pro.

Versions of Final Cut Pro aren't backwards compatible. So a project created with FCP 6 cannot be opened with FCP 5...and this even goes into the dot-updates as well. A project created with FCP 5.1.4 cannot be opened by FCP 5.1.1.

Nope, for this you need to use XML. Export your sequence as an XML sequence and import that in the other version of FCP. XML v3 if for FCP 5.1 4 and FCP 6. XML v2 is for FCP 5.0, and XML v1 is for FCP 4.5. So if you need to go from FCP 6 to FCP 5.0.4, you'd use XML v2.

To export an entire project, select ALL the bins in the Browser and then choose FILE>EXPORT>XML.

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Re: opening projects in older fcp versions
January 07, 2009 01:44PM
thanks for the reply shane - life saver
Re: opening projects in older fcp versions
January 07, 2009 06:29PM
except your computer is down...
you'll need someone with your current FCP version loaded to help you.

Re: opening projects in older fcp versions
January 08, 2009 11:52AM

All answers are somehow correct but not complete.

First not do select all if exporting a project to XML - it's way saver if nothing is selected.
Make sure that all the plugins and codecs and settings are installed on the target machine.
Also make sure that you do not use external multi-mono (BWAV) audio files if you are going to 5.x.
Subclips using external audio will fail as well. Not to talk about multiclips with external audio.

You may have luck or not - you probably will have if there is only basic stuff.

Re: opening projects in older fcp versions
January 08, 2009 11:57AM
To add to this, here's a FAQ entry on "which XML version do I use".

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