Alpha Channel

Posted by starvideo 
Alpha Channel
March 12, 2009 12:19PM
I searched for the answer of how to export a video with an alpha channel and found a discussion string. After reading it a few times, I think I got it and I created an QT animation conversion with the millions of colors +.

When I bring the converted video back into FCP, and put it on my timeline, and set the canvas to Alpha, I just get the white background. When I set to Image in the Canvas, I get the person, plus the white background (I'm trying to key them out to create a transparency for Flash for a website), Does this mean that I did it correctly?
Re: Alpha Channel
March 12, 2009 12:37PM
>and set the canvas to Alpha,

If you are talking about the right drop-down menu button in the canvas, you should switch that to "RGB".

Here's a quick guide:

1. key/matte out your video

2. Make sure your video is unrendered, mark in and out on the segment you want to export.

3. Export QT conversion. Select Animation, Millions of Colors+, export.

4. To check it, reimport the clip into the timeline, in clip properties (apple 9), make sure that "alpha" is set to "straight".
Re: Alpha Channel
March 12, 2009 12:51PM
I did it. Thank you.
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