FCP on new MacPro 2.93GHz Quad Core
April 11, 2009 10:58AM
Has anyone used this with FCP? I'm just interested to learn what any improvement in rendering and real time performance will be compared to my 2007 Dual 2.66G MacPro. Any advice welcome.

Thanks in advance,

Re: FCP on new MacPro 2.93GHz Quad Core
April 11, 2009 12:19PM
i made a more dramatic jump (from a quad G5 2.5 to an OCTO intel 2.8) back in january. and was surprised that there wasnt as much improvement in times as id have hoped. significant improvement was made - just not as night and day as i would have imagined...

what gave the most performance increase was adding 16 gigs of ram and moving my scratch disc from a firewire800 drive to an eSATA situation.

here are 2 threads that elaborate:


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