Transcoding data rate

Posted by moskojo 
Transcoding data rate
April 20, 2009 05:15PM
I bought the new Canon VIXIA HFS10 because it can records at 24 mbps in their MXP mode. When I import the footage into FCP, it transcodes the footage to Apple Pro Res but the data rate is only at 18 mbps. When I record at the lower FXP at 17 mbps, FCP transcodes at 17 mbps. How do I get FCP to transcode at the higher 24 mbps? I am running FCP 6.05, 10.5.6, on MacBookPro (unibody)

Joel M. Moskowitz, M.D.
12 (total)solar eclipses and counting
AND 1 Venus transit
Re: Transcoding data rate
April 20, 2009 05:26PM
You're confusing 24 megabits per second with 18 megabytes per second. Final Cut is doing exactly what you want here.

Re: Transcoding data rate
April 20, 2009 07:24PM
You're right in that I failed to notice the big "B" vs the little "b". However, why is FCP transcoding the less compressed MXP files to virtually the same rate as the more compressed FXP files?

Joel M. Moskowitz, M.D.
12 (total)solar eclipses and counting
AND 1 Venus transit
Re: Transcoding data rate
April 20, 2009 07:30PM
Because it's transcoding everything to ProRes 422, which has a data rate that averages around 145 Mbps for 1080i.

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