Camcorder as deck for editing

Posted by Felix28fcp 
Camcorder as deck for editing
May 12, 2009 09:11AM
I have a canon Elura 100 that I use to edit family recordings, suspect the Mini Dv format is becoming obsolete. would like to get another camcorder as a spare for editing. budget $300.00. Any suggestions? should be Mac and fire wire compatible. Thanks in advance.
Re: Camcorder as deck for editing
May 12, 2009 09:57AM
not really sure what youre asking. but your not going to get anything BUT miniDV for $300
Re: Camcorder as deck for editing
May 12, 2009 01:56PM
Mini dv will be here for awhile, though tapes will become obsolete and HD and later going to chips.
High end cameras are now using chips.
Re: Camcorder as deck for editing
May 12, 2009 02:14PM
Budget $300? No...nothing but consumer junk at that price point. For a few hundred more, look into the Canon FLASH camcorders (no tape / no hard drive).

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: Camcorder as deck for editing
May 14, 2009 12:47AM
Just go ahead and use your Elura 100 as the deck-
its a low end cam so why worry about it -(ebay $145)

By the time you ware it out there will be really cheap
memory stick cams available --new formats ect --

I used my Sony PD100 for 4 years as a deck---DVCam --
still works fine--
It works almost as good as my DSR 20 and better than a DSR 11
I had for awhile -

Also there can be problems with Cannon audio going out
of sink when using a deck -- some wacky audio sample rate --
we used to have problems with XL1 footage -dont know if its
resolved by now--Jay--
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