The effect "Smoothcam" failed to render. Why not? It rendered 5 minutes ago!

Posted by digibody 
The effect "Smoothcam" failed to render. Why not? It rendered 5 minutes ago!
May 23, 2009 12:29PM
I am getting the following message in the final cut pro viewer and canvass in obnoxious bright red and white.

"The effect "Smoothcam" failed to render."

I'm not sure why this is, it was rendered yesterday, all I did was shut the project down and reopen it. I try to render it now and it doesn't work. Any advice? Thank you.
Re: The effect "Smoothcam" failed to render. Why not? It rendered 5 minutes ago!
October 04, 2009 10:51AM
Just encountered this today for the first time. Red screen with "the effect smoothcam failed to render". Tried rendering it and it didn't work. Rendered fine yesterday... so...

I trashed preferences and... voila, buy a t-shirt.

Re: The effect "Smoothcam" failed to render. Why not? It rendered 5 minutes ago!
October 05, 2009 12:01PM
Turn smoothcam off and back on, try again.

If that doesn't work, "reveal in finder", and you will find an analysis file with the same name as your QT file. Delete it, and FCP should start freaking out. Re-rendering should trigger the smoothcam analysis.
Re: The effect "Smoothcam" failed to render. Why not? It rendered 5 minutes ago!
October 05, 2009 01:10PM
I tried all of that- deleting smoothcam, reapplying the filter, deleting the analysis file... but trashing prefs was what did the trick this time.
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