Hello from Europe
May 30, 2009 02:29AM
Sometime ago, I asked for advice from LAFCPUG posters regarding my planned trip to Europe. The trip is happening, and the advice is working out!

All of my Apple gear has transformers that sense 120/240 50/60. FCP is doing fine with NTSC video, 29.97 fps.

As it turned out, being a one-person web producer, the biggest obstacle was luggage size and weight. 2 checked at 50 lbs ea, and 1 carry on at 13.

I spent four months transitioning from $3300 SONY HDV miniDV, to $800 SONY HD tapeless (Palm size), iMac20 to MacMini (with 19" Acer monitor from Office Depot), big heavy 250 external FW harddrives to featherweight 500 portable USB drives. The G5 went first, no brainer there, as well as my iMac Aluminum, MacBook, Titanium, and my Pelican cases.

I've shot two projects, one SD and one HD.

VoltaicHD software took 2 hours to process the 60 minute SD footage into .movs, while 14 hours for the 60 minutes of HD footage! The SD footage had no sound. I have not yet found the menu item that told the cam to not record audio in SD mode! HD footage had sound. (It was only nat ambient sound which I rarely use anyway, so no loss.)

Once again, Apple rules!

I have not seen an Apple presence here yet for computers. iPhones are in stores (unlocked for $900USD). I spent an hour with AT+T before I left to make sure I could receive US calls while here. Today, 8 days later, I finally see in my "recents", 1 call from last Sunday.

Independent photographer, film maker and Producer. In the wonderful UK.
Re: Hello from Europe
May 30, 2009 03:38PM
Awesome, Nick! Keep us posted on the whole project. Expect to see some samples in the "Show & Tell" soon grinning smiley

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: Hello from Europe
May 31, 2009 04:35PM
Nick, are you planning comming here to Lisbon?
If you need any help just send me a PM.

Rui Barros
Editor Colorist Trainer
Lisbon, Portugal
RTP Post-Production
Apple Certified Trainer FCP 7
Apple Certified Pro FCP 7
Re: Hello from Europe
June 01, 2009 03:40AM
yes that's a new kind of job you are doing so let us know when you have something on line and good luke

A Day late & a Dollar-short Productions
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