DVX100 Audio Sync

Posted by dan chapman 
DVX100 Audio Sync
July 17, 2009 05:24PM
I just upgraded to Final Cut Studio 2. There's something called the DVX100 Audio Sync Tool. I installed it. I shot with both DVX100 and DVX100A. It might be difficult to know which clips were shot by which. They're all mixed into timelines and browser together.

Does it make a difference if I select a DVX100A clip and use Offset Audio Sync with it?

Do I need too strictly try to figure out which clips came from which camera?

If I apply this to the wrong one, will it screw up my existing syncs?

Dual 2.5 Ghz G5, 5GB SDRAM, FCP 6.0.6, QT 7.6.2, OS 10.4.11
Re: DVX100 Audio Sync
July 17, 2009 05:32PM
You only need to use that if your picture and sound are two frames out of sync. If they're not out of sync, don't worry about it.

(I haven't heard about that tool for a long time. I just assumed the problem it existed to work around had been solved long ago. Either that, or nobody I know shoots DV any more, so it just never comes up.)

Re: DVX100 Audio Sync
July 20, 2009 11:06PM
It looks like they are 2 frames out of sync. So If anyone has experience with this, please help.

I just don't want to apply it to all the above and it throws everything off.
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