FCP7 image shift
August 15, 2009 07:18AM
Watch the Canvas and Viewer and select Export>QuickTime Conversion. Does your frame shift upwards in the Canvas, cutting off part of the image, and do a little shift in the Viewer as well? I don't think it actually exports that way but it's very disconcerting to watch. Anyone else seeing this?

Re: FCP7 image shift
August 15, 2009 02:39PM
I noticed nothing in the Canvas. If the viewer is selected and I select Export/QT Conversion, the image in the viewer looks to become a little de-rezzed (somewhat blocky) while the dialog box is up, but afterwards the image returns to normal. The change is very small and I only noticed it because I was looking for it. The resulting file produced is not affected in any way that I can see.

I don't think that's at all what you're reporting. There doesn't seem to be any shifting of the image on my machine.

Re: FCP7 image shift
August 15, 2009 05:50PM
It's not actually shifting up in the frame I realize it's shifting to a frame earlier in the shot from the one that's on the canvas. The frame displayed is outside of the marked I/O.

The first shot is the Canvas on the first frame of a shot in the timeline.

The second frame shows the Canvas when Export>QuickTime Conversion is evoked. The frame that displays is prior to the frame in the Canvas and is not part of the shot edited into the timeline.

Re: FCP7 image shift
August 15, 2009 07:20PM
This does not happen if timecode overlays are turned on.
Re: FCP7 image shift
August 15, 2009 08:06PM
Strange. I'm not getting anything like what you're seeing. I see nothing different when exporting from Canvas. I'm enclosing pics of what I see in the viewer (pic 2 is with the export dialog box open). Just slight degrading of the image in the edges, but the resulting export is fine.

Before Export:

During Export:

Re: FCP7 image shift
August 16, 2009 09:05PM
Could the difference between the two of you be Dynamic Playback, QT scaling, Safe or Unlimited RT of some sort?

What machines are you two on? OS? QT version?

What bar is that aggressive gal visiting?

- Loren
Today's FCP keytip:

Nudge a Canvas layer by subpixel with Command-Option-Arrows !

Final Cut Studio 2 KeyGuide? Power Pack.
Now available at KeyGuide Central.
Re: FCP7 image shift
August 17, 2009 02:36AM
That's a good question. Personally, on my rig I use High playback and Full Frame Rate. I don't use the Dynamic playback ever.

I'm also on the new Mac Pro. 8-core 2.26GHz with OS 10.5.7 and QT 7.6.2. I don't think what I'm seeing is much of anything. It's certainly not as strange as what Tom is reporting.

I'm not sure what bar that is...somewhere in LA. I wouldn't call her "aggressive". Schnockered maybe....

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