Wipe from 'Stingray'

Posted by Katrin1980 
Wipe from 'Stingray'
January 03, 2010 09:53PM
Hi everybody and a Happy New Year!smileys with beer

I'm looking from that band wipe from the 80s TV series 'Stingray'. It's so retro winking smileyI know I had it on Premiere Pro and thought I had it somewhere on FCP too...turns out I don't. Does someone know where I can get a free plugin for that?
Re: Wipe from 'Stingray'
January 04, 2010 06:12AM
Got an example to show us? Or more detail? You can recreate most wipes pretty easily in FCP - anything from the 70's should be simple.

Re: Wipe from 'Stingray'
January 04, 2010 09:53AM
Hello Katrin,

Are you talking about this ultra-super-spectacular-cheesy wipe of the letter "S" in the intro:

My god is that horrible. I never saw or heard of this show until now. Miami Vice must have crushed it.

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: Wipe from 'Stingray'
January 04, 2010 01:07PM
@Joey: yeaaaah, I loved the show. I mean the wipe at 00:18. Possibly crushed by Miami Vice, it only had three seasons I think.

@Jude: take a look at the link Joey posted at 00:18 you see what I mean. Can you tell me how to do it? I thought about it but I wouldn't know how to do it...with motion paths maybe?
Re: Wipe from 'Stingray'
January 04, 2010 06:57PM
I would do this in Motion, not FCP. Just animate the Line tool over a black color solid to reveal the background. With lines, you can add gradients to them. Pretty cool, actually.

Kevin Monahan
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Re: Wipe from 'Stingray'
January 04, 2010 07:17PM
hm, I'll try and get back. thanks!
Re: Wipe from 'Stingray'
January 05, 2010 06:02AM
Yeah I agree - non-straight wipes would be much easier in Motion.

Re: Wipe from 'Stingray'
January 05, 2010 01:31PM
Right Jude. Our matte creation tools are too primitive in FCP.

Kevin Monahan
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Re: Wipe from 'Stingray'
January 05, 2010 04:53PM
Can you please explain me how to do it? I thought I knew how, didn't work. Or is there some tutorial you know that could help me?
I drew a curvy line with the line tool but couldn't even figure out how to make the motion path visible so I can adjust the motion points...
Re: Wipe from 'Stingray'
January 05, 2010 09:00PM
Oh, I just thought of a simple way to do it in FCP, for those who aren't that comfortable in Motion.

Make a layered psd in Photoshop that has your custom shapes on it - each 'section' of the wipe on a separate layer. In this case I used three layers - each is just a copy, so I just made one shape and copied it to three layers. Pics to follow. Sorry about the crap erasing job .. I was in a hurry lol.

Bring this into FCP and just animate the crop on each layer one after the other to create the wipe.

So, the stack looks like this

and the nest of the psd looks like this

Then just animate a crop on each layer like so





I would do a video tutorial but I just upgraded and haven't got my screen cap app in yet. Hope this makes sense anyway,

Re: Wipe from 'Stingray'
January 05, 2010 09:33PM
wooooooow! thank you so much Jude that you took the time! awesome!eye popping smileycool smiley
Re: Wipe from 'Stingray'
January 05, 2010 10:22PM
That was way cool Jude. Tip of the week. Can I steal it? I can point everyone to this URL


Michael Horton
Re: Wipe from 'Stingray'
January 05, 2010 10:26PM
Of course, Mike. There's some obvious mistakes in it - like the uneven keyframing and the messy psd work, but I'm sure the principle is intact. smiling smiley

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