create QT's

Posted by michael rouse 
create QT's
February 16, 2010 08:04PM
Hi, I am on FCP 6.0.6 attempting to create short (7 minute) Quicktimes to be downloaded (purchased) from a website. Any suggestion on the best export setting?

Thank you,
Re: create QT's
February 16, 2010 08:07PM
"Short" and "7 minute" are conflicting terms. 7 minute QT's are HUGE. What are they for? Why are people purchasing them? What are their intentional use?

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: create QT's
February 16, 2010 08:21PM
For 480p, use H.264 at 1.5 megabits, with AAC audio at 44.1 KHz and 128 kilobits.

For 720p, use H.264 at 3 megabits.

For 1080p, use H.264 at 5 megabits.

Your seven-minute short will be about 75, about 150 and about 250 megabytes, respectively. Raise the data rates as necessary to get the picture quality you want. You won't need to go above about 8 megabits at 1080p; higher than that and you get diminishing returns.

Do not use bother trying to use any interlaced formats.

Re: create QT's
February 16, 2010 11:21PM
It will be a consumer level version of this [] Each one of the segments under the listed episodes will be offered as downloadable.

I am creating a new website in wordpress and need the best possible scenario for downloadability...I need to figure the proper size (dimensions) as well as file size...

Also the original material is standard def Shot with the Panasonic DVH in 24P

Re: create QT's
February 16, 2010 11:43PM
Your best bet is to leave the raster alone, but change the presentation dimensions. This will give you the best picture quality per data rate. So leave it at 720x480 through the whole post pipeline, and encode at that raster size. After the file is encoded, use Quicktime Player to set the presentation size to 853x480. I know that sounds like a weird number, but that's the correct size for anamorphic expansion.

If you convert to square pixels before encoding, you'll end up encoding more pixels than you actually need, which will give you less picture quality at the same data rate.

Re: create QT's
February 17, 2010 12:59AM
My settings:

For the website posting - half size H264 / 3 mbps / AAC 48k 128 audio
For client download for display - full size H264 / 8 mbps / AAC 48k 128 audio

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: create QT's
February 17, 2010 01:02AM
Ordinarily I'd totally agree with you about the audio, Joey. I never bother to resample from 48 to 44.1 when doing things like client rushes and stuff. But according to what I've been told by people who know about audio (I don't), 16/44.1 is just as good as 24/48 for Internet applications. I could be totally wrong about that, though. It's not like it makes a difference in data rate, right? I mean, 128 kilobit audio is 128 kilobit audio regardless of your sample size, so the final file size should be the same?

(I really don't know audio.)

Re: create QT's
February 18, 2010 07:24PM
Thanks guys..appreciate topic question..I'm not getting the thread emailed to my home email. I have it set up in my message center and checked off here in the box...any ideas?

Re: create QT's
February 18, 2010 07:34PM
Joe, Can you define "half-size" and "full side"

Re: create QT's
February 18, 2010 10:43PM
1280 x 720 = full size
640 x 360 = half size

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: create QT's
February 19, 2010 09:45AM
Thanks Joey
Re: create QT's
February 20, 2010 10:56AM
>I am creating a new website in wordpress and need the best possible scenario for downloadability

One point here, is that if you plan to stream the video on the site, you may want a broader wordpress theme, or part of the video may end up being covered by the side bar. But you can work around it and scale down the video.
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