How much space for AVC intra

Posted by rickmo 
How much space for AVC intra
March 18, 2010 05:16PM
We're shooting in Varicam and will be using P2 cards and AVC INtra. My question is how much space do I need, per hour of shooting, to lay off the P2 video to hard drive?
We'll then be using log and transfer to save the files to a raid as ProRes which, as I understand it, will be larger files than the AVC intra
Re: How much space for AVC intra
March 18, 2010 05:22PM
It really depends on how much you're shooting. Avc-Intra 100 is 100 Mb/s, similar to Dvcpro 100 (DvcproHD), but is a much better overall codec in terms of quality.

If you're working in FCP 7, you can do native ingest, as FCP 7 supports AVC-I as a read-only codec.

With tapeless, you should always factor in at least 3x the amount of storage you need for the rushes (including editable rushes), then triple the amount you need for renders/exports and include drive overheads.
Re: How much space for AVC intra
March 18, 2010 05:30PM
What will you be shooting? 1080i60? 1080p24? 720p60? 720p 24PN? We can't tell you squat unless you know what you are shooting. And the best way to tell, is choose that setting in the camera, add the card and see how much time remaing there is on the card.

Say you have a 32GB card, and you choose 1080i60 and it says "2:15:00:00 REMAINING" (just for example, I have no idea). Then that is 2 hours 15 min on a 32 GB card, so one hour takes up just over 16GB. Again, this is just an example, these aren't hard numbers.

And know that you don't import the footage to FCP, then erase the card. OH MY NO! You backup the card on set to one, or better TWO hard drives. These are your tape masters. Or you bring enough cards so you can do this archiving at the hotel when you are sleeping, or watching TV. THEN you import the footage into FCP from one of these drives.



Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes
Re: How much space for AVC intra
March 18, 2010 05:36PM
One more thing to have handy- the data wrangler.

On some shoots, guys bring something like 2 cards per camera, with a spare card. So when one card is in the camera, the other card is being offloaded to two separate drives.
Re: How much space for AVC intra
March 18, 2010 05:48PM
We'll shoot 1080i/60 on a Panasonic Varicam.
So it's about 16gigs per hour in AVC intra?
Seems like very little space.
Re: How much space for AVC intra
March 18, 2010 05:53PM
Well, ProRes HQ is about 77 gigs per hour.

(Edit: I was looking at the PAL calculations)
Re: How much space for AVC intra
March 18, 2010 05:54PM
We'll be shooting in the AVC Intra 50 format.
How many gigs per hour?
Re: How much space for AVC intra
March 18, 2010 06:00PM
The math is pretty simple. Avc-Intra 50= 50 Mb/s.

50/8 (convert to MBs), x 60^2 (convert to hours) / 1000 (conversion to gigs)= 22.5 gigs, not including audio.
Re: How much space for AVC intra
March 18, 2010 06:02PM
Is this the part where I come on and pimp my favorite handy little tool, BitRate Pro? Google it, download it, love it.

There's probably an equivalent bits-bytes-hours calculator for the iPhone now. I've been meaning to look for one, but it keeps slipping my mind 'cause I never think of it until I need one, by which time I've already gone to my laptop and pulled up BitRate.

Re: How much space for AVC intra
March 18, 2010 06:15PM
Did I NOT tell you, TWICE, that my numbers were just EXAMPLES of how to figure things out? They are NOT TRUE NUMBERS? Man, I said this show you HOW to figure it out.

No one listens. Or reads.

Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes
Re: How much space for AVC intra
March 18, 2010 06:59PM
No one listens. Or reads.

Thats cause most of us are still catching up on Jeff's posts.

smiling bouncing smiley

Michael Horton
Re: How much space for AVC intra
March 18, 2010 07:03PM
I know for a fact that nobody reads my posts, Mike. I put, in big capital letters, "IF ANYONE IS READING THIS I WILL WASH YOUR CAR" in the middle of one, and nobody bit.

Re: How much space for AVC intra
March 18, 2010 07:08PM
None of us have cars since the downturn. Might want to change it to "IF ANYONE IS READING THIS I WILL COOK YOU A MEAL"

Michael Horton
Re: How much space for AVC intra
March 18, 2010 07:08PM
Uh. Some of us don't have cars.
Re: How much space for AVC intra
March 18, 2010 07:09PM
Okay, you caught me. It was really "IF ANYBODY IS READING THIS YOU HAVE TO HIRE ME," but that didn't work any better than most of my other marketing efforts this past nine months.

Re: How much space for AVC intra
March 18, 2010 07:11PM
You could try running around the carpark naked. Usually that generates a lot of attention.
Re: How much space for AVC intra
March 18, 2010 07:12PM
I was looking to get hired, not arrested. Or pointed and laughed at. Not that I'm sensitive about it.

March 18, 2010 07:25PM
If you were working on one of those "call now" ads, you could try switching the number to your cellphone.
March 18, 2010 07:40PM
Operators are standing by?

Re: How much space for AVC intra
March 19, 2010 05:57PM
My car is going to get a much needed washing...

I will get my son to help you Jeff, when can you be over this weekend???
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