Exporting problems with QT

Posted by KKK 
Exporting problems with QT
April 07, 2010 02:29AM
Hi, I work with FC 6. When I export a project using Quick Time Movie (current settings) I get a .mov overexposed. (I test this, on the same monitor both images, of course).
Because there are no settings ??? to correct the brightness, I must use the QT Conversion option, then I must select Brightness -8/-9 to correct this. But If I choose as codecs HDV 1080i (same as the original recording) the only quality that I can get is Medium, no choice.

I want to get the same quality as the original tape, of course.

Help, please.
Re: Exporting problems with QT
April 07, 2010 08:40AM
>Because there are no settings ??? to correct the brightness

Yes there is. There's the FCP 3 way color corrector in filters, as well as the brightness and contrast filter and the gamma filter (apple 5 to bring up fcp filters).

Re: Exporting problems with QT
April 07, 2010 10:01AM
Hi , I know my english is not perfect, but please read my full post again. I explain that I´ve this problem when I try to export the final project that has been already corrected with the 3 way filter. The project in the Canvas is perfect of light and color, the final result on the . mov is overexposed.

I´ve been using the FC for several years, from 4 to 6, without this problem.

And when I say there are "no settings", I´m talking about the window that appears when you do File > Export >QT Movie.

Re: Exporting problems with QT
April 07, 2010 12:57PM
Make sure this is checked in quicktime player.

Re: Exporting problems with QT
April 07, 2010 01:25PM
Hi Strypes: You got it! Its the "color compatibility" on QTP. But.... now, I get the movie a little bit under exposed !!!! Any new idea??

Re: Exporting problems with QT
April 07, 2010 01:29PM
You need to see your footage on a calibrated broadcast monitor. You can't judge levels accurately on a computer monitor.

Re: Exporting problems with QT
April 07, 2010 01:41PM
OK, but I work with a Cinema HD Display from Apple, calibrated with the Eye one Match. I know its not exactly broadcast, but usually enough.

Instead of this, I compare the original project versus the QTMovie in the same monitor, one in the viewer and the other on the Canvas. And the difference is significant. Too much. But now, darker.
Re: Exporting problems with QT
April 07, 2010 11:15PM
KKK (I hope you're not what your name sounds like confused smiley ).

Acabo de encontrar tu pregunta en el foro en español y trate de contestarla; déjame saber si te sirve.

Re: Exporting problems with QT
April 08, 2010 03:22AM
No, por ahora en España no tenemos miembros del Klan... tenemos otros tipejos.

Vale, miré tu respuesta en español. Haré la prueba. Probé cambiando el color correction en QT y ahora me da las imágenes ligeramente subexpuestas. ????
Pero si tengo que enviar a un cliente ya sea en un DVD de autoría o en un DVD de datos, en que formato lo enviarías tu para una mejor calidad. ???

Re: Exporting problems with QT
April 08, 2010 10:31PM
Excuse us, folks; an exception here in our English side of LAFCPUG.
Alberto (Span. lang moderator)

Lo enviaría en formato DVD. Que lo reproduzca directamente con aparato DVD comercial a través de una TV o monitor TV en vez de documento QT que, como hemos visto, no mostraría la calidad del producto final. La otra opción es exportarlo como .mv4 (iTunes) sin reducir el tamaño de imagen. Hice eso con una muestra de HD y se mira increíblemente bien en un TV HD, y casi igual en mis Macs con iTunes.
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