2 or 4 TB Caldigit VR raid?
April 15, 2010 03:04PM
Hi all,

Over budget...producer needs to QC footage rendered out 10bit uncompressed 1920 x 1080 before delivery. Clips are all short < 30 sec. to be viewed individually...

Will the 2 TB suffice or do we have to don a mask and visit the nearest Seven Eleven for a quick withdrawal?

Re: 2 or 4 TB Caldigit VR raid?
April 15, 2010 04:05PM
I believe Caldigit is having a NAB sale on the 2TB & 4TB one.

We were planning on picking up another because of the price drop.

Since you don't mention how many clips.... buy the 4! no 2, no 4, no 2....
Re: 2 or 4 TB Caldigit VR raid?
April 15, 2010 07:58PM
Always get more than you need (at least 3 times more). You are being a bit dramatic about knocking over a 7/11...the 4 TB unit is only $850:


When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: 2 or 4 TB Caldigit VR raid?
April 15, 2010 08:20PM
Every television professional should have certain numbers memorized. Here are mine: 70, 100, 150, 600.

Here's what they mean:

70 gigabytes per hour: ProRes 422.

100 gigabytes per hour: ProRes 422 HQ.

150 gigabytes per hour: Uncompressed SD.

600 gigabytes per hour: Uncompressed HD.

Those are all 60i, so they're worst-case-scenario. Also, they're rounded up a bit for ease of memorization and also to give you a little bit of wiggle room when you have to deal with audio and junk.

By a delightful coincidence of math, you get about 100 minutes of uncompressed HD per terabyte of disk. So two terabytes will hold 400 thirty-second spots.

Now, only you can tell us if 400 spots is sufficient for your needs.

Re: 2 or 4 TB Caldigit VR raid?
April 15, 2010 09:18PM
Jeff likes math. I like protection. That sounds like RAID "0" (performance) which is NOT recommended by me. I like my media too much to risk it. I would get the 4 TB and RAID "1" (mirror) the unit for protection which gives you a little less that 2 TB of protected storage. And I wouldn't push the storage limit past 80% of capacity.

That's just me grinning smiley

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

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