Exporting a 4:3 DV Movie to 16:9 for DVD Studio Pro

Posted by ackronomicon 
Exporting a 4:3 DV Movie to 16:9 for DVD Studio Pro
June 08, 2010 11:20AM
I shot my footage using the original DVX100 using the 16:9 feature, so the image is really 4:3 with a 16:9 matte. I want to create a true 16:9 DV file to export for DVD Studio Pro so my 16:9 image plays on a 16:9 TV the right way.

I couldn't figure it out in DV, so I edited and exported the DV file normally, then brought it onto a 720 HDTV timeline and stretched it to remove the bars on top and bottom. This movie was 1 hour, so 12 hours of rendering and 12 hours to make the HD QT Movie. Much too long! How can I do this in DV? I tried to do stick my 4:3 on a 16:9 DV timeline, stretch and export, but DVD Studio Pro wont read the file.
Re: Exporting a 4:3 DV Movie to 16:9 for DVD Studio Pro
June 08, 2010 11:37AM
> I want to create a true 16:9 DV file to export for DVD Studio Pro so my 16:9 image plays on a
> 16:9 TV the right way.

If you want anamorphic 16:9 from your letterboxed 4:3, you need to stretch out your image vertically until the letterbox bars disappear from your visible 720x480 area. A Distort - Aspect Ratio of 33.33 plus Scale (can't remember how much -- something like 138 per cent, I believe) should take care of it. And make sure you set your Sequence to anamorphic 16:9.

Do not use a 720p timeline. You'll be blowing up your image even more for no reason. You need an anamorphic 16:9 SD timeline, not an oversized HD timeline. All you're looking for is the aspect ratio, not a bigger image area to fill, since you're going to SD DVD.

> I tried to do stick my 4:3 on a 16:9 DV timeline, stretch and export, but DVD Studio Pro wont
> read the file.

You're doing something else wrong. Without knowing your settings, both in FCP and in DVDSP, I can't tell you what you're doing wrong.

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