The Future of Filmmaking?
June 29, 2010 01:23PM
We better start exercising our index fingers...

Re: The Future of Filmmaking?
June 29, 2010 06:36PM
I saw my boy's iPhone 4 today. Niiiiiice. He showed me a video...he SHOT AND EDITED a friend's wedding with it in 720p and posted it right to YouTube.

This is me... * DROOLING *

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Anonymous User
Re: The Future of Filmmaking?
June 29, 2010 06:46PM
Another "shot and edited on the iPhone4" video

Re: The Future of Filmmaking?
July 10, 2010 12:54PM
Fashion shoot on the iPhone.

Nicely done.
Re: The Future of Filmmaking?
July 11, 2010 10:36AM
strypes Wrote:
> Fashion shoot on the iPhone.

> Nicely done.

I agree that the video itself on YouTube looks good, but everything this guy said was bullshit. He talks about behind-the-scenes "videos" and "photos" but doesn't actually show that... Talk about missing the point... Let's use thousands of dollars of gear, crew, pro makeup and hair... but, he is supposed to be showing us how to do this without fancy gear and cameras, etc. Clueless...

But, hey, the model was quite attrractive... smiling smiley
Re: The Future of Filmmaking?
July 11, 2010 10:43AM
It's just the nature of photography. If you don't have the lights, even if you have the eye, there's only so much you can do. He's trying to create an illusion that "anybody can do it". It's the same as saying you can cut a feature on iMovie and have it look professional. Well, sure...if your shots were done by Gordon Willis under the direction of Alan J. Pakula with production design by Boris Leven, of course you can cut it on iMovie and have it look professional!
Re: The Future of Filmmaking?
July 11, 2010 01:27PM
You need a lot more control of the environment, especially when you don't have the leverage to push it in post. In the short film earlier, it's the fact that they were shooting miniatures that they got away with it. That thing has a major rolling shutter issue.

For the photography piece, he was making up for the lack of short DOF by accenting the lighting. And you have to do it properly. If the lighting was flat, it'll look like crap. If you crush the shadows too much, you can't bring it back later. But it is still a lot of photoshop work. What is interesting is that the wides are a little soft, but it's easy to say.

>hey, the model was quite attrractive...

I totally agree man.
Re: The Future of Filmmaking?
July 12, 2010 10:11AM
One of the interesting things for me to see, is a similarity between anyone and everyone shooting movies on an iphone, and anyone and everyone recording songs on their computers.
15 years ago, if you wanted to record a song, you went to a recording studio, or you coughed up a lot of dough for a mixing board, and ADATs. (Remember THOSE!?)
Technology has allowed any novice musician to record and multitrack on the home computer. With the ability to edit HD movies on an iPhone, I expect the same pattern to occur.
The positives, is that a lot of talented people will use this to their advantage and make great art without needing to work 3 day jobs to pay for the equipment. The obvious downside, is that there will inevitably be a lot more garbage out there to wade through in order to find something interesting!

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