Shark Stock Footage

Posted by JustinB 
Shark Stock Footage
August 01, 2010 07:58PM
Anyone have any leads on a good stock footage place for sharks? I need some shots of sharks, preferably aggressive. Ultimately will match with super 16 for a low budget feature.

- Justin Barham -
Re: Shark Stock Footage
August 01, 2010 08:00PM
Update: actually will match with 5D footage in this scene. The rest of the film is S16, so that's the baseline.

- Justin Barham -
Re: Shark Stock Footage
August 01, 2010 08:02PM
You might not like this answer, but a friend of mine worked on a spot a couple years ago and sought the same thing. In the end, they chose to use CG sharks. It worked fine.

If you like, I can hook you up with the guys who did the animation and compositing, if you don't find a decent source.

Re: Shark Stock Footage
August 01, 2010 10:47PM
Thanks Jeff. That might end up being the way to go actually. It's a small scene. But that's down the road. I have some stock to start cutting with. I'll let the editors and director play with it and see how they feel.

I'll definitely hit you up for those animation guys should that be the route we end up taking.

- Justin Barham -
I need whale myself !
August 02, 2010 04:09AM
humpback actually...
Re: Shark Stock Footage
August 02, 2010 07:39AM
contact me off line - a friend shot Shark Week footage for Discovery for years and I'm sure he'd be glad to sell you some....
Re: Shark Stock Footage
August 02, 2010 11:56AM
come to cape cod MA, there has been Great White sightings. maybe you can film your own
Re: Shark Stock Footage
August 03, 2010 12:02PM
I edited a collection of short films for the Smithsonian's Ocean Hall and we used a ton of UW stock - check Nat Geo,, Ocean Footage, Howard Hall, Feodor Pitcairn Productions and NHK.


Chi-Ho Lee
Film & Television Editor
Apple Certified Final Cut Pro Instructor
Re: Shark Stock Footage
August 04, 2010 03:11AM
Thanks so much for all the leads. Tremendously helpful!

- Justin Barham -
Re: Shark Stock Footage
August 05, 2010 12:25PM
Are you from Cape Cod ?

it's for Right Whale seeing.
Any whale present at the time ? watch here, (real time)
Listen for whale

I have been doing some interviews about that project (offshore Boston) but I am looking for singing humpback whale footage right now
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