JPEGs suddenly 'unrendered'
September 15, 2010 04:34AM
I've been trying to use jpegs in a Final Cut Pro movie.

I put about 20 in a movie, one after another - no problem.

Then all of a sudden as I placed the remaining ones onto the timeline they were showing 'unrendered.'

This seems strange as the jpeg files aren't any different to the ones that were showing as rendered.
Re: JPEGs suddenly 'unrendered'
September 15, 2010 09:27AM
Hey Kroy

FCP handles stills by caching them in RAM, and that cache is limited in size by :

a) the amount of RAM you have available
and b) what percentage of that available RAM that you allocate to the task.

You can set that Still Cache allocation in the "Memory & Cache" tab in your Final Cut Pro menu > System Settings window.

Hope it helps
Re: JPEGs suddenly 'unrendered'
September 15, 2010 12:21PM
You can also try switching the RT tab in the top left hand corner of the timeline to "unlimited RT".
Re: JPEGs suddenly 'unrendered'
September 15, 2010 07:45PM
Also, make sure the jpegs aren't hugely oversize. Try reducing them in PS to a more managable size (a PAL widescreen size would be 1024 x 576) and see if that helps, especially if things are feeling sluggish in general.

Re: JPEGs suddenly 'unrendered'
September 16, 2010 02:20PM
> especially if things are feeling sluggish in general.

I would rephrase this to "always resize your images to just the portion you need, as you do not want to grow old waiting for your machine to render and down scale those fabulous 14k images you shot on your still cameras".
Re: JPEGs suddenly 'unrendered'
September 16, 2010 07:28PM
Yeah I had several from scans a client did a few days ago that were 14,000 pixels wide and higher. That's like 14 times larger than my frame size, and a LOT of work for FCP to display.

Re: JPEGs suddenly 'unrendered'
October 18, 2010 05:46AM
Thank you for all the responses to my question - I haven't had time to try this again but when I do I'm sure your solutions will be very helpful. smiling smiley
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