laying off to tape with Kona3 and HDcam 2000

Posted by UrbanCracker 
laying off to tape with Kona3 and HDcam 2000
October 19, 2010 04:00PM

Trying to lay off to HDCam from FCP through Kona. Sequence plays fine get E to E in monitor from the deck but when we go to edit to tape the machine only cues back 3 seconds from tape in point then when the edit is made we are only getting audio and no video! This is in HDSDI. Is it an RT setting issue?
Re: laying off to tape with Kona3 and HDcam 2000
October 19, 2010 06:42PM
What type of footage are you editing? Sequence settings? Did you black the tape first? Are you using EDIT TO TAPE? Do you have the deck set to the right frequency? Meaning is it 23.98psf if you are outputting it 29.97 if you are outputting 29.97? All the settings in the deck must match your output settings.

Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes
Re: laying off to tape with Kona3 and HDcam 2000
October 20, 2010 10:03AM
hey Shane thanks for the response. looks like it was an issue with the Kona card. replaced the card and now working fine. Got some other issues with DBeta (some DVW-500s work others do not) but will compose a coherent topic line when the fury dies down. thanks again for your quick reply
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