FCP 6.0 Not Opening

Posted by nlittrell 
FCP 6.0 Not Opening
November 17, 2010 12:24PM

Well, this is a first. My FCP 6.0 program is not opening. Not from the dock, or from a project...or anything. This has never happened before and I'm freaked out.

How do I solve this?

Re: FCP 6.0 Not Opening
November 17, 2010 12:26PM
Trash your preferences. Reboot. Update to 6.0.6. Report back with full details of system hardware and software.

All the best,

Re: FCP 6.0 Not Opening
November 17, 2010 12:28PM
> Not from the dock, or from a project...

Try opening it directly from the Applications folder of your hard drive first. If it doesn't work, do what Tom says.

Re: FCP 6.0 Not Opening
November 17, 2010 12:47PM
Do as Derek said. If that doesn't work, first trash your preferences and try relaunching FCP. You may not want to upgrade in the middle of a project unless you have no other options.

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