OT: Defrag'ing Media Drives

Posted by J.Corbett 
OT: Defrag'ing Media Drives
December 10, 2010 01:13PM
How Often should you defrag a media drive or secondary drives?

I have a 1tb for all of my programs and the os. I have 3 firewire drives (2daisy chained) and 3 sata drives - sata1 is raid 5 (2tb), sata2 is a 4bay with 2 on raid5(1tb) and 2 jbod(2tb), sata3 is 2 jbod (2tb).

The satas have never been defrag'ed. only the main drive. I don't currently have any problems with the drives. I was wanting to know as a matter of maintenance when or how often it should be done.

""" What you do with what you have, is more important than what you could do, with what you don't have."

> > > Knowledge + Action = Wisdom - J. Corbett 1992
Re: OT: Defrag'ing Media Drives
December 10, 2010 01:58PM
You should never defragment media drives. They work much better in a fragmented state.

My software:
Pro Maintenance Tools - Tools to keep Final Cut Studio, Final Cut Pro X, Avid Media Composer and Adobe Premiere Pro running smoothly and fix problems when they arise
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Re: OT: Defrag'ing Media Drives
December 10, 2010 06:26PM

""" What you do with what you have, is more important than what you could do, with what you don't have."

> > > Knowledge + Action = Wisdom - J. Corbett 1992
Re: OT: Defrag'ing Media Drives
December 11, 2010 12:34AM
Jon -

Can you give uis a little mor einformation why defragmenting a severely fragments drive is better? In the early days, before SAATA. when i had performance issues on FireWire drives, defragging usually solved issues like grey screens, sparklies and the like during playback demand.

I do know that Avid media drives shouldn't be defragged and I never did this to them.

Fill in a bit for us the logic behind "Never" these days? I'd sincerely like to know, because if I don't have to order Drive Rescue or TechTool Pro for Leopard, I'd be fine with that. If you'cve written an article covering this, please supply a link going a little deeper into it?

Much thanks,

- Loren

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Re: OT: Defrag'ing Media Drives
December 11, 2010 01:05AM
Oops... misread the original post. Ignore that.

My software:
Pro Maintenance Tools - Tools to keep Final Cut Studio, Final Cut Pro X, Avid Media Composer and Adobe Premiere Pro running smoothly and fix problems when they arise
Pro Media Tools - Edit QuickTime chapters and metadata, detect gamma shifts, edit markers, watch renders and more
More tools...
Re: OT: Defrag'ing Media Drives
December 11, 2010 07:15PM
Jon so you're saying that a media drive should be defragged?


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