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View Markers in a sequencePosted by ErikR
Is there a way to see all my markers in a sequence in a list or browser window? I know I can right click the timeline and see them all there, but I need a list that's always open so I can see what's there. In Avid I can Show Locators and have a window of locators pop up that I can click on and be taken to in the timeline. I'm trying to do notes on a sequence in FCP and there are a lot of markers, and it's a pain not being able to see a full list of them.
thanks in advance
No such luck. Right-clicking on the timeline is the only way at this time.
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As Nick said export the markers.
Though Numbers might be bit a ugly as it tries to import everything as 'Numbers' if there is a number involved somewhere. That's where it got it's name from. ![]() If you want to work with Numbers (the app) create a plain document with enough columns to cover the marker export list. Set them all to text -- to make sure they are not Automatic. Open the FCP marker list in TextEdit - in case you don't write arabic or hebrew notes - copy all and paste into the Numbers document and have some fun. Andreas
I open the list in Excel, save, and ... re- open it in Numbers...
In Excel I correct also the mispelling from French characters, (accents etc) I 'll try the copy and past from Text Edit -- Edit : Thank you Andreas, your technique kick asses ! (you will have to change the cell format to "text" for all in Numbers's inspector. (the symbol with a square and "42" written inside)
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