How do you move a clip from Viewer to canvas without its audio?

Posted by Joe Riggs 
How do you move a clip from Viewer to canvas without its audio?
May 07, 2011 06:18PM
I'm sorry TIMELINE not canvas.

Often times I find myself in the situation where I just want to bring in video without its audio, how is this done?

Re: How do you move a clip from Viewer to canvas without its audio?
May 07, 2011 06:55PM
Joe, have you read the FCP manual? A lot of what you're asking is in there.
Re: How do you move a clip from Viewer to canvas without its audio?
May 07, 2011 07:24PM
I see detach a1A1.
Re: How do you move a clip from Viewer to canvas without its audio?
May 08, 2011 07:42PM
You don't really need to detach A1 and 2. Just lock the audio tracks.

Re: How do you move a clip from Viewer to canvas without its audio?
May 09, 2011 03:02AM
yeah, that's really quick
(especially with my shortcuts: Control Zero locks all picture, Control Option Zero locks all audio.)

but it only works for overlay edits, not inserts.

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