Need QT advice please

Posted by rickman 
Need QT advice please
May 18, 2011 12:38PM
Greetings all,
I want to make a brief 2+ minute QT movie I can transmit by email. Something like many of you would refer to as a demo reel I suspect.
It does not need to be HD quality, just email friendly.
Can someone suggest settings I should use?
Also, not everyone has QT on their computers, I don't know why but nevertheless...
Does the movie need to be "created" to open happily with alternative apps, or is that the job of recipient's application?
Finally, do I need the QT Pro version to do this?


using FC Pro, one of the earlier Studio versions
Re: Need QT advice please
May 18, 2011 06:53PM
If you're not sure of their ability to play the video, why not upload it to YouTube and let them watch it there? That way you can preserve quality by being the one to take the hit during upload.

There is an option in YouTube to make the video unlisted, so only people who have the link can see it. I use it a lot for review copies for my clients. Saves me or them driving all over to town to each other, and they can watch it any time they like right from their own desk.

As long as your video is under 10 minutes (if you don't have a more pro account) and, I think 1GB, you're fine, so you can get fairly nice quality.

Re: Need QT advice please
May 19, 2011 12:04AM
So instead of emailing the video, just send them a link.
That would take a lot less time.
I guess I can find information on You tube for formatting specs, right?

Thanks for your input, sounds like a better way to do this.

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