matching to multiclip brings up video without audio

Posted by splices 
matching to multiclip brings up video without audio
October 21, 2011 10:43AM
Working on a finalcut pro 6 system on a multiclip show. when i match back to the multi clip group from the sequence the multiclip comes up without the audio . Seems to be a glitch as I've exhausted all user settings options. Any solutions would be appreciated.
Re: matching to multiclip brings up video without audio
January 23, 2015 06:30PM
4 years later and back on the final cut pro 6 and still having the same problem. Working on a multiclip show. When i match back to the multi clip group from the sequence the multiclip match comes up without the audio . Any solutions would still be appreciated.
Re: matching to multiclip brings up video without audio
January 27, 2015 11:33PM
Is the audio part of the multiclip? There is a separate command to match frame to a multi clip. Also, there is a reveal master multi clip command.
Re: matching to multiclip brings up video without audio
January 28, 2015 12:48PM
Thank you, using the reveal master multi clip command did the trick. It actually creates a new master multi clip in the project with audio.
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