People on other forums (Creative Cow) report many issues. If you can help it...don't upgrade.
![]() www.shanerosseditor.com Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes [itunes.apple.com]
Well if you want Lion you'd better get in quick before the new 'even-dumber' Mountain Lion comes out. But yeah, Ive got two installs running Lion and FPC 7 with no issues. These are not broadcast setups though, so firewire/file based workflows only. Don't know what problems people are reporting.
Instability is the biggest issue people report.
![]() www.shanerosseditor.com Listen to THE EDIT BAY Podcast on iTunes [itunes.apple.com]
Well, touch wood, I've done three large projects with lots of layers and green screen and probably 20 or so small DSLR interview spots, some consumer camera dance stuff, and captured and cut HDV and mini DV since installing Lion, and no problems so far. Not a single crash or stall that I can recall, although the new Mac Pro can be sluggish, but that company runs everything close to the wire storage and network wise. My own setup has been fine.
I did change a few of the finder things that annoy me, and I get annoyed by Pages and Numbers not having a 'save', and opening every document I had open last time, every time it opens, but apart from that all is fine. Anyone else got coal-face stories of Lion to share? ![]()
If you haven't updated yet, just wait till this summer. We're still running Snow Leopard on all our systems at the office and my personal computers as well. And now Apple announced Mountain Lion coming this summer. Looks like Apple realizes Lion wasn't quite ready for prime time, so here comes another OS already.
[www.apple.com] The video does a nice job with the overview. Walter Biscardi, Jr. Biscardi Creative Media biscardicreative.com
FCP 7.0.3 was recently installed afresh onto my Lion partition. It now coexists with MC 6.0. Have cut one shortform HD show in FCP7. No issues to report. (No 64-bit tastiness either but no issues.)
- Loren Today's FCP 7 keytip: Invoke the big TimeCode Viewer with Control -T ! Your Final Cut Studio KeyGuide? Power Pack with FCP7 KeyGuide -- now available at the LAFCPUG Store
Depends if you need any features of Lion or ML.
If you are all good on SL then stick with it until you need to upgrade. Personally I don't just need to be a the leading edge I like to be at the Bleeding edge! Although I don't partake of OS betas or dev releases anymore - must be an age thing... ![]() Partly to satisfy my geekiness but also because I have to be running the current OS and understand how I can deliver to clients using it - both in terms of training and how it handles content. Also useful to know a bit about the latest and "greatest" for forum moderation and help ![]() ![]() For instant answers to more than one hundred common FCP questions, check out the LAFCPUG FAQ Wiki here : [www.lafcpug.org]
I just ran into a situation with a new driver for a product that I HAD to upgrade one of our systems to Lion. That ended up going well, so we're now upgrading all our systems to Lion (on a second hard drive in each system) and what we do notice is that the systems do run a little faster.
But without that need for the driver requiring Lion, I would still be sitting tight and just waiting for Mountain Lion. Although I will say, I'm glad we waited for 10.7.3 as it appears Apple has fixed many of the bugs that I had read about previously. Walter Biscardi, Jr. Biscardi Creative Media biscardicreative.com
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