EXR file transfer

Posted by Daniel B. 
EXR file transfer
May 07, 2012 05:54PM
How would I take clips from a project in a MAC using FCP 7 and using EXR (whatever that is) to transfer that clip to a PC for effects work--or it needs to be put into an EXR format for the PC. There's a good chance I've phrased my question incorrectly, apologies, if I did.
Re: EXR file transfer
May 07, 2012 06:55PM
Do you mean this : [www.openexr.com] ?

Re: EXR file transfer
May 07, 2012 09:11PM
The DaVinci Resolve does Open Exr. Not sure if the Resolve has a built in LUT to convert to scene linear. After Effects does Open Exr but make sure you set project working space to floating point and render in linear. Motion does it, but Motion is a bad idea. Apple apps cannot render to an RGB format properly without truncating everything to 8 bits.

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