DVD burn

Posted by michael rouse 
DVD burn
June 18, 2012 03:08PM
Hello I am attempting to burn a DVD using Toast 10.0.6 The video is: .mov, high def, 3 min, 723 mb
When I toast the file, the resulting video has distortions on the whites and lower quality. Suggestions?

Re: DVD burn
June 18, 2012 03:47PM
Can you post a screenshot? Your footage is 16:9, I'm I correct? Did it come out as a 16:9 in letterbox?
Re: DVD burn
June 18, 2012 04:18PM
Yes it is originally in 16:9 and comes out as 16:9..Tried to do screen cap, but it comes out as a checkerboard pattern..??
Re: DVD burn
June 20, 2012 09:03PM
The DVD will be about 150 MB and SD so of course it will have less quality than the original.
In what codec is the .mov? Compressor generally does better than Toast.
If the original is noisy, denoising it first can yield great improvements in the DVD.

Dennis Couzin
Berlin, Germany
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