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Handwritten effect... possible in FCP 7 ?Posted by alquimista
Hi everyone-
I am working on a video and would like to have words appear on screen that look as though they are being handwritten. I don't want to use a font, I want to actually have it handwritten, with unique features (sloppy, nuances etc) that can only happen when it's written out. Is there a plugin for this? A tutorial somewhere? Or if someone is a master at it we could hire you for that? Thanks! Luna
You can do it pretty simply in AE if you've got access to that and choose the right font. In FCP it would be pretty laborious because the best thing to use would be masks, and those don't have a lot of fine controls.
There's a bunch of tutes on the web in AE. Just search for 'AE write on effect'. You can download a thirty day trial of AE for free, so you could probably easily complete this during the trial period. ![]()
You have to use a font but there are really authentic handwritten fonts that can be revealed using the "Write On" plug-in but it is nowhere near automatic. Loads of keyframing / tweaking brush size / & more of the parameters. It's not a completely simple solution if you want it to look real (handwritten fonts cross over in areas - when revealing you have to keyframe brush size in spots not to reveal too much).
BTW - "BING" is your friend for tutorials: [www.bing.com] ...and be ready to subscribe to Adobe CC (monthly with a signed annual agreement) if you want to keep AE. When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade. ![]()
I'm no effects expert, so the editor in me almost wants to just suggest that you write on a whiteboard/sketchbook and then scan it or shoot it. If it's black on white, you can process the image to make it higher in contrast (and therefore more manipulatable). That means you'll get your customized human handwriting. Then you can animate it with masks.
![]() www.derekmok.com
AE for frame-by-frame mask disclosure, definitely. Tedious but you can finesse crossover points.
[...and be ready to subscribe to Adobe CC (monthly with a signed annual agreement) if you want to keep AE.] &^%*#!! - Loren Today's FCP 7 keytip: To reposition a Marker press Command and drag it! Your Final Cut Studio KeyGuide™ Power Pack with FCP7 KeyGuide -- now available at KeyGuide Central. www.neotrondesign.com
In France we have a saying : Pourquoi faire simple quand on peut faire compliqué ?
You work on Fcp7 ? Use Motion 4 ! Use the paint tool to recover your writed image . (as a matter of fact you can trace it with the mouse and "points" using the bezier shape tool, you will only use "Contour" of the Shape) it doesn't have to precise then apply Write On Behavior to that shape. Make it shorter in the Timeline to "Write faster" apply an Image Mask to the "writed image" , drop the Shape onto the Image Mask et voilà !
If you own a Wacom, PS or a similar app and a screen capture software you can write and capture what you write.
-Andreas Some workflow tools for FCP [www.spherico.com] TitleExchange -- juggle titles within FCS, FCPX and many other apps. [www.spherico.com]
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