Canvas is white when paused

Posted by TroyChristian 
Canvas is white when paused
January 09, 2014 11:57AM
Hi Friends,

Stumped on this one.

Cutting in FCP 7.0.3 on OSX10.8.5

My canvas goes to a white screen when paused. It started on just a could files but has "spread" to the entire project. Obviously when I hit play I can see the edit. Pause? White screen.

I have tried:
Reconnecting media
Refreshing A/V devices
Running Disk Utility
Zapping PRam
Closing the Canvas and resetting the layout
Jumping up and down and spinning on my head (which felt the best but …)

I have not tried trashing Prefs which I just thought of which I'll do now.

Any other suggestions??


Re: Canvas is white when paused
January 09, 2014 12:02PM
You most likely have your canvas set to SHOW ALPHA. Don't want that. Change from the pull down menu

Michael Horton
Re: Canvas is white when paused
January 09, 2014 12:07PM
Well done MH -

Hadn't even touched that menu so not sure how it got there - but that worked! Thanks much!!
Re: Canvas is white when paused
January 09, 2014 05:04PM
"not sure how it got there"

Shift + W toggles those canvas modes
easy to do that without meaning to.

Re: Canvas is white when paused
January 11, 2014 01:29AM
yeah...sometimes we hit a quick key / key combo that triggers something weird. I still do that all the time smiling smiley

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