OT - Coincidence

Posted by Mike Hardcastle 
OT - Coincidence
November 10, 2014 01:59AM
I notice that the ‘Show and Tell’ forum is not in use here anymore, but hope it’s OK if I make a link to what I think is a pretty incredible shot ? It’s nothing to do with FCP or even editing, but shots like this happen only once in a lifetime.


Re: OT - Coincidence
November 13, 2014 01:16AM

Re: OT - Coincidence
November 13, 2014 03:10AM
Thanks, Nick,

I was beginning to think I might have transgressed the rules of the forum or (worse) seemed to be showing off. If it’s cool, it’s nothing to do with me. I just happened to be there and have a camera rolling at the right moment.

Comments from friends and family have made me realise that part of the reason the shot seems so ordinary is that it’s hard to comprehend the distances involved with such a long lens. I did a few measurements on Google maps and discovered that the distance from the camera to the tug is about 2.5kms and the ship is another 2.5 - 3 kms away behind that.

I should also say that the shot is very much a tribute to the brilliant 'Warp Stabilizer' in Premiere. The original has a few very dodgy shaky bits due to an inadequate tripod and operator… winking smiley

Re: OT - Coincidence
November 13, 2014 01:17PM
As Baz Lurhmann once put in a song: "All your choices are half chance, and so are everyone else's"

Good timing and great chance combined - I love long lens shots with the heat haze and depth cue. I know it's just a clip but would have liked to hear some water and the sound of the ships, a seagull and perhaps a long guitar-playing hobo sat on a rock singing "dock of the bay"... tongue sticking out smiley

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Re: OT - Coincidence
November 13, 2014 04:44PM
Ship ballet. Lovely.

Re: OT - Coincidence
November 13, 2014 09:55PM
Glad you enjoyed it. Yes - tracklaying will be fun. Need to get the right sounds though and haven't found them yet.

As for the music ? I hadn't thought of 'dock of the bay' but it'd be great !

Actually, Jude wins the prize for intuitive creativity. It was always the intention that the ship sequence would come directly after a sequence from 'Swan Lake'. It's possible the music may linger a little over the cut cool smiley

Please don't ask me how ballet and container ships happen to be in the same film. It's a long story...

Re: OT - Coincidence
November 17, 2014 09:35AM
Flew into tokyo recently
2001 was one of the movie options.
Odd choice for in-flight, I suspect it's somebody's favourite film:
After landing, they started playing the Blue Danube waltz over the PA as the plane taxied in,
It was timed perfectly to end just as we docked, exactly as it is in the film.

Re: OT - Coincidence
November 17, 2014 06:36PM
I wonder if it was someone's last flight? I was on a plane recently where the fire brigade came out at the airport when we landed and they told us not to be alarmed, but that it was the captain's last flight, and they were seeing him off with water cannons. It was really cool - like being in a carwash in a 747.

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