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Metal to Metal sound in my towerPosted by J.Corbett
I working on a 2,1 and suddenly when i wake my computer i am hearing a metal on metal sound. It dissipates once the computer is on for 2mins but not completely. If i turn my attention to the sound of the computer i can still lightly hear but its very, very faint. After about 30mins it then is completely gone.
The start-up is where it is loud. I air-dusted the inside but its still there. What would you look at as a culprit to this sound? """ What you do with what you have, is more important than what you could do, with what you don't have." > > > Knowledge + Action = Wisdom - J. Corbett 1992 """"
Nick i read this about a month ago but did not reply …
Thanks sorry about that. I did do a back up. It did get me to thinking about how i store things. This could be a separate topic but i was wondering… Any 2 - 4 standalone hdd's like the 2tb mercury elites or g-tech, can be use in JOBD, Raid 0, Raid 1, or Raid 10. Is this correct? I am kinda feed up with Raid5 my 4k work is rare. We do more 1080p and 2k than anything, so i was wanting to switch to a paired set instead of a set of 3-4 disk. I know there is no parity in Raid 10 but someone mentioned that it performs faster than a simple redundancy. """ What you do with what you have, is more important than what you could do, with what you don't have." > > > Knowledge + Action = Wisdom - J. Corbett 1992 """"
I know this is way late, but just scrolled down to this tread. Was your problem by any chance a fan? One of my clients was having similar issues, and it turned out to be the fan on a capture card.
In trying to find the culprit we discovered just how many fans there are in a MAC tower. Depending on the vintage they may be quite a few. Look for fans in the power supply, the processor card and the obvious ones on the front and back of the machine. -Vance
Funny you say that. I got 2 cans of air and blew it out. The stopped about 60% of the noise but its was still there. So if you don't laugh at my older GFX card …. I removed the ATI x1900 That i install back 1964 and the sound was gone. Now it runs as quiet as a mouse. I am planning on upgrading to to the last 6 or 12core machine (profile 5,1 Westmere). This machine does what i need it to but it is stuck on 10.7.5. I am not getting the new one cause i am currently using Adobe CS5 and it does everything so i figure the 5,1 running 10.8 with CS6 would be fine for a few years. I'm in no hurry to make payments forever to keep an NLE. This machine is a 1,1 and i have been amazed that it is still a workable machine. Not super efficient in rendering but not horrid either. I also replaced the hard drives in it as that noise was enough to get me out of thinking that these drives still had another year. """ What you do with what you have, is more important than what you could do, with what you don't have." > > > Knowledge + Action = Wisdom - J. Corbett 1992 """"
Glad you got the machine back in line. At one time having the maxed out latest model machine was pretty much necessary to keep up with the demands of the software and media. Not so much now. If a machine is making you money why not keep it running? When you win that bid for the multi-cam 4K shoot, maybe then it will be time to spend.
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