Bulk mp3 to .wav converter? FCP7

Posted by Wanted Man 
Bulk mp3 to .wav converter? FCP7
December 18, 2014 04:48PM
. . The client has supplied all audio for a project in mp3 format. To my surprise after being sync'd with the footage via Pluraleyes the files seem to be running ok in my FCP7, I thought maybe convert to .wav (?)

Only thing is there are 100+, 100's of audio files and needless to saying doing them one by one seems insane.

Any thoughts?

Re: Bulk mp3 to .wav converter? FCP7
December 19, 2014 03:08PM
FCPs batch export, or Compressor, or iTunes for that matter (or Mpeg Streamclip)

you may have to re-sync in plural eyes with the new files

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