Looking for help with graphics card

Posted by stefangs 
Looking for help with graphics card
December 31, 2018 10:57AM
Hi all and (almost) top of the new year!

I know it's a long shot, but I thought I'd ask here anyway... my Mac Pro (original 1,1) just gave up on me. Booting displays a lot of vertical yellowish lines, the Apple logo appears, then disappears, then nothing. Sometimes the screen does dark blue. I've done the usual PRAM zapping and detaching from mains, then holding the power button, etc. to no avail. The hard disks seem to be healthy, at least they sound normal. I also swapped out RAM bars in groups of two in case one of those is faulty.

So my best guess is that the graphics card has died. I wanted to see if I can test it with a cheap one I buy off ebay. Mine is a Nvidia GeForce 7300GT with two DVI outs. They are quite expensive, while I find several cheaper offers with the same name, but only 1 DVI out, one VGA out, and a S-Video port. Do you know if this card would also work?


macpro 2x3 ghz dual core intel, 10.6.8, FCS 2
Re: Looking for help with graphics card
January 05, 2019 01:31AM
Stefan -

Check with OWC (Other World Computing, US) for their card offerings, one might work for Model 1,1.

Best, as always.
Re: Looking for help with graphics card
February 09, 2019 08:20AM
So I ended up getting an entire Mac Pro, including the graphics card, for less than a card replacement :-)

Once I sold the rest of the Mac for scrap, the card may almost be free!


macpro 2x3 ghz dual core intel, 10.6.8, FCS 2
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