364 Days

Posted by Dean Cleary 
364 Days
June 08, 2005 01:41AM
If you watched the WWDC keynote Steve Jobs said this time next year we will have OS X shipping on Intel processors. If the high end machines have Dual Core 64 bit Pentiums or what ever they have and Apple puts in 2 of them like I think they will. We are going to have some kick ass machines and I think Brian Meany and his crew along with the other Pro app product managers are going to have some fun creating new features in FCP and the other apps.
How many streams in real time did you say?
Re: 364 Days
June 08, 2005 08:44AM
For a lot of people, max streams are limited by their hard drives. Faster multiple processors will really help, but so will a move to PCI-express which will better allow us to use the GPU for effects.


[www.nattress.com] - Plugins for FCP-X
it's gonna be 728 !
June 08, 2005 09:11AM
in 364 Days you will have only MAc Mini with a pentium

I doubt you'll improve tour streams !

for hight end you'll have to wait 2007
Re: it's gonna be 728 !
June 08, 2005 11:43AM
I just read that Apple will be using Pentium M Intel's mobile Procs for it low power consumption. I wonder if we are going to lose our 64bit processing? I suppose these will be used in the laptops and the Power Macs, Shoot what are they going to be called? Will Apple continue to call them Power Macs without a Power PC chip inside?Will we get the same procs that will run Longhorn on Wintel's.
I hope at least we will get cheaper machines as I can see Apple benefiting from marketing subsidies from Intel. Faster machines at lower prices on a Great OS can be great for us all.
Re: 364 Days
June 08, 2005 07:00PM
G5's are gonna ship in 2007...let's not get ahead of ourselves.

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: 364 Days
June 09, 2005 08:26AM
>>Shoot what are they going to be called?<<

In geek slang, the term "Mactel" seems to have been popular.
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