35 Workflow

Posted by James T 
35 Workflow
August 06, 2005 11:20PM
FCP 5 Workflow, whats the best route?
Re: 35 Workflow
August 06, 2005 11:44PM
I don't know. You might begin by telling us what it is you are doing?

Michael Horton
Re: 35 Workflow
August 07, 2005 01:14AM
SHooting on 35...then...what? Cutting the negative? Transferring to tape and final output tape?
Re: 35 Workflow
August 07, 2005 01:39AM
my bad guys... its been a long day.

just transferring to tape and out to DV.
Re: 35 Workflow
August 07, 2005 02:24AM
Just describe your project in detail, James. There are too many variables -- you gotta narrow it down. What's your final presentation format? Are you prepping for theatrical exhibition? Do you need the option of going back to film? Are you transferring to DVCam/Mini-DV, or going to DigiBeta/Betacam SP as your masters?

Describe *everything* you know or are considering.
Re: 35 Workflow
August 07, 2005 02:39AM
not doing anything too crazy. Just wanted to know the best format to transfer to from telecine that will hold the resolution when bringing it into FCp 5, now that FCP 5 auto converts to 60i is there any thing else to do to hold resolution when we down convert to more then likely DVCpro.
Re: 35 Workflow
August 07, 2005 04:15AM
OK James...What is your FINAL DESTINATION? Cutting the negative of the film? Going out to tape?

This is the typical workflow I use when cutting a show shot on 35, or super 16:

1) Telecine the film to Digibeta, 30 fps (29.97 TC). Audio is synced to picture at this time. Have the post house provide Flex files (ALEs - Avid Log Exchange) of the telecine session.

2) Transfer the digibeta dailies to DVCAM...either at the same time the are laid to digibeta, or after.

3) Since I use an Avid for this, import the ALE information into a bin and batch digitize the dailies. They are broken up into scenes. If you are using FCP, then you'll need to open the ALE or flex files with Cinema Tools, then export a Batch Capture List for FCP.

4) Capture the footage.

5) Edit. Rough cut, Directors cut, Producers cut, Network Notes...Locked Picture.

5) Export an EDL (Edit Decision List) for an online session. The Post facility takes this EDL and assembles the show using the digibeta masters, for they are the best quality (FAR ABOVE DVCAM). OR, if the online facility happens to online using FCP and a high end capture card, give them a project file containing the locked picture.

6) Export an OMF for the audio people.


Do you not have a post supervisor for this? You really need someone knowledgable with the post process if you are going to be working with footage shot on 35. No offence, but it doesn't sound like you really know what to do. At least hire a highly skilled assistant who knows the process...

Hopefully they won't snicker too much...
Re: 35 Workflow
August 07, 2005 10:27AM
I think Shane has a point, James -- you need to know the right questions to ask when approaching this process. I might suggest going to a post-production facility and telling them what your intentions (and those of your director) are. You need to tell them everything and not just "nothing too crazy" or "I want to keep resolution", because that's too vague. Let them tell you what you need to know. And try to find a hands-on editor, or a technician who does this day-in and day-out -- front-desk people won't be able to tell you the minutiae you need to know.
Re: 35 Workflow
August 07, 2005 06:50PM


Just for my own education, since I'm not too experienced in dealing with film-to-tape workflows....

Wouldn't a transfer to HD (as opposed to DigiBeta) end up being a more flexible route? Wouldn't this leave open the possibilities of digital color correction/effects before going back to a film out?

I suppose if you knew that your final product were SD, then it wouldn't really matter....


Re: 35 Workflow
August 07, 2005 07:22PM
Again...as I stated...it all depends on your final destination. You have yet to reveal that fact. Know that is what determines your workflow.

Cutting the negative? Then transfer to DVCAM, offline, then output a cut list.
Going to SD tape? Telecine to Digibeta as I have stated.
Wanting a film print, but not wanting to cut the negative? Then transfer to HD, make DVCAM dubs, offline the DVCAM, online the HD tapes, print to film.

Now please, go talk to the post facility who will be doing the transfer for all your options. They can get in far more detail.
Re: 35 Workflow
August 07, 2005 07:37PM

Um... sorry, Shane, but I wasn't the guy with the original question... I jumped in mid-thread as a "kibitzer"... sorry if it threw you off.
Re: 35 Workflow
August 07, 2005 09:02PM
And that's what I get for not paying attention.

Re: 35 Workflow
August 07, 2005 10:03PM
You're not the first, and you won't be the last, Shane!

To make you feel better: I replied to my own post once because I forgot I wrote the first one.
Re: 35 Workflow
August 07, 2005 10:42PM
I appriciate it guys.

telecine to Digibeta was all i needed

I am finishing in on tape (DVCpro).. i thought i said that.
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