Hey all --

FCP5 on Dual G5 10.3.9 1.5GB. This is an HDV project, footage is being logged and digitized at another facility, and then the drive(s) come to me for assembly. Everything seems fine, but there are a few random shots which come up needing to be relinked. In the relink dialogue, these shots show an "Unspecified Path" -- absolutely no reference to where they might be, or where they were digitized to in the first place. These shots, by using the Finder, are not on any of the drives. BUT... How is it possible for someone to digitize a clip, only for it to have an "Unspecified Path?" Doesn't make any sense.


Thank you
Perhaps it was captured onto another drive, the transferred to this one, and they forgot to transfer a couple media files.

Just a thought...
Re: relink problem "Unspecified Path"
August 25, 2005 09:43AM
It *is* unusual because offline items, unlinked from their original media, should still show their original location. Don't rely on what Reconnect Media tells you -- select those items and check their properties under APPLE-9 to see if you can figure out their original file name and location. Once you have a file name, do a system search *outside* of FCP -- FCP does attempt to search the whole system for files, but I've found that pressing APPLE-9 in Finder is a more comprehensive search. Sometimes items come up in the Finder search that don't come up when you rely on FCP's automatic Reconnect Media search.

The best way is still to know where your files are...which would be a question for whoever tackled this project at the capture stage.
Hi Derek --

Thanks for your idea. APPLE-9 also told me nothing about where the original clip is/was stored. But, it IS telling me the Duration, in/out points (from original source), Camera Roll, length of clip, aspect ratio, etc. BUT THE DATA RATE SAYS 0/SEC.

And, sadly, the other guy is gone.

I now have a new guy and he came back with the same situation for a few clips. Only three or four out of about 300 clips. He said there were some timecode disruptions or problems in those spots, but... that doesn't make sense to me... either it was imported or not... right?

This is HDV. Does it matter?

Any thoughts out there?

Re: relink problem "Unspecified Path"
May 18, 2011 07:46PM
Just wanted to offer that I've just solved this mystery for myself.
Not sure how to explain other then tell you my story;

Working on a large show across multiple edit systems. I had duplicated the project file and handed it to another editor with a copy of all the media to organize. Then I brought the newly organized project back on to my system, copied the organized bins into my project and attempted to re-link them... only to have the "" is missing and unspecified path problem.

Then, I decided to try re-linking the media within the project file I'd been given... no problem. Only after I did this was I able to properly copy the organized clips into my project.

So, in summary- It looks like the path information may not carry across projects well when the media is offline. Make sure the media is connected before you move your clips from project to project.

Hope that helps!
Re: relink problem "Unspecified Path"
May 18, 2011 10:23PM
good info, thanks for sharing.

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