OT. Big ad

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
OT. Big ad
September 29, 2005 06:59PM

Aussie commercial for Carlton Beer shot in New Zealand. Click OK when the security pop up happens. Uses the vividas codec which if you google the name is a story unto itself.

Massive software was used


Re: OT. Big ad
September 29, 2005 07:36PM
Excellent spot.

I've been experimenting with Flash 8 HD video, which also uses On2's technology. I've actually got some "sorta" HD streaming on the net.

Samples are at: [www.hd-tv.us] .
Anonymous User
Re: OT. Big ad
September 29, 2005 07:45PM
I'll look at it when I get home Travis. Got my handy iBook here in the office and I cant view it

Re: OT. Big ad
September 29, 2005 09:02PM
now that's a BIG AD !


Re: OT. Big ad
September 29, 2005 10:06PM
Too dam funny, where frodo? or Gandalf? smiling smiley

I was waiting for the giant burp at the end!

Love it!

Re: OT. Big ad
September 29, 2005 11:07PM
Oh, by the way, If you haven't downloaded it already, you need the latest version of Flash to see the demo at hd-tv.us . It's at the bottom of [www.macromedia.com] .
Re: OT. Big ad
September 30, 2005 02:36AM
>>I was waiting for the giant burp at the end!<<

Heh. ever since that commercial came on over here I've been waiting for the comedy skit where we follow the yellow guys even further down the chain. The only thing stopping it is the massive budget you'd need to do it.
Re: OT. Big ad
September 30, 2005 11:08AM
Since you've all got so much time - FCP-L mentioned this HYSTERICAL Shining Redux. Terry Curren put it right by saying "ahhh - the power of editing."


A nice light summer movie.

Re the Big adds - I think they should have shot the whole series of adds at once. Perhaps a trilogy of them. They could then call the close up actors back for extensive re-shoots and offer extended edition cuts of the ads . . .

Re: OT. Big ad
September 30, 2005 09:22PM
That's bloody funny. It would be a great exercise for students too - redux trailers..

The 'Big Ad' is a part of a series of Carlton Beer ads with the tagline "Made From Beer". All of them have been excellent parodies of beer commericals. Although, thinking about it, that one is a parody of a British Airways ad.

One of the other great ones showed romantic brewing and kegging pictures, and the kegs being pulled on the traditional Carlton Clydesdale team with the voicer "Carlton Draught. Brewed in a big metal thing And towed around. By Horses!"
Anonymous User
Re: OT. Big ad
September 30, 2005 10:59PM
Kudos to the ad agency. The Big Ad is brilliant. I imagine the others are too. Used to drink Carlton in Seattle when I was a lad. Not great beer if I remember, but who cares when you were that age


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