"Hey Now!" music video by the rock band A.i.

Posted by ZackYoung 
"Hey Now!" music video by the rock band A.i.
November 26, 2007 06:43PM
I am the drummer for the LA based rock trio A.i..This is a music video I just recently finished for the song "Hey Now!" from our new album "Sex & Robots". It is a mixture of video and still images..I effected the still images in Adobe Photoshop and did all the compositing in Final Cut Pro... Feel free to ask any questions or post comments-
thanx- Zack
Here is the link:

Re: "Hey Now!" music video by the rock band A.i.
November 26, 2007 07:03PM
Wonderful Zack. Just excellent. And just Photoshop and FCP? Wow! Any FCP plug-ins? Line Art? Or just compositing? Very inventive and great humor. You must be from LA.

You need to show and tell at a lafcpug show.

Michael Horton
Re: "Hey Now!" music video by the rock band A.i.
November 26, 2007 07:15PM
Thank you Michael. I did use some plug-ins like the line art plug-in in the strip sequence. I also used a couple of smoke effects from Motion. But most of the smoke was just created from a png file from Photoshop..All the band footage was effected using the Extract feature in FCP. My nephew Lincoln Athas also played a big role in putting this video together.

If you like the music be sure to check out our new album "Sex and Robots." It is available from Itunes or from our store here: [www.aimusic.com]
thanx for your feedback!
Re: "Hey Now!" music video by the rock band A.i.
November 26, 2007 07:46PM
How do I show and tell at a lafcpug show?
Re: "Hey Now!" music video by the rock band A.i.
November 26, 2007 08:08PM

Just write me and if we got a slot your in. Might be fun to do this Dec 12 at our Toys party. Kind of boring to have nothing but toys. This might wake the folks up a bit.

write me offline.

Michael Horton
Re: "Hey Now!" music video by the rock band A.i.
November 28, 2007 10:50AM
Love it. Love the track as well. That's a lotta work to accomplish in FCP...very impressed. You gotta get your hands on After Effects Pro CS3. The tracking is better & the FX are endless.

Great job, Zack.

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: "Hey Now!" music video by the rock band A.i.
November 28, 2007 11:16AM
Nicely done, instantly eye-grabbing concept, and the transitions deftly avoided any cheese factor. The band sounds good as well, youthful without that annoying, flat "Green Day" emo whine. I can hear some glam influence in there and it's a welcome change. The stars over the doll cracked me up.

Ever seen Def Leppard's "Let's Get Rocked" video? This one reminds of that one in terms of energy and vibe.

Re: "Hey Now!" music video by the rock band A.i.
November 28, 2007 03:46PM
Thank You Joe,
I am definitely going to check out After Effects Pro CS3. I have heard alot of good things about it. One thing I had an issue with was keeping all the movement smooth in FCP. Had some de-interlacing issues. thank you for the feedback-
Re: "Hey Now!" music video by the rock band A.i.
November 28, 2007 03:51PM
Thanks Derek,
Glad you were digging it- the band and I have always liked Def Leppard. If you hear the rest of our album you can hear lots of their influence. especially on our song "Far Away"...
Re: "Hey Now!" music video by the rock band A.i.
November 30, 2007 07:40PM
When I was Bartending back in the 80's & early 90's, I worked in a kick-a$$ rock nightclub called The Button South in Hallandale, Florida. I used to do experimental videos for original house bands (if they showed promise) for free & played them on the 2 - 15 foot screens during busy nights to help them get some recognition & pre-sell tickets. I also did concert calendar animations for the owner that they played every night (my first paid animation gig...$250 and I saw my stuff on a BIG SCREEN! Cool as f**k smoking smiley).

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: "Hey Now!" music video by the rock band A.i.
December 02, 2007 01:22PM
Wow- definitely a lot of work went into that... Great job!

www.JamesNWeber.com - Socially Aware Media

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Re: "Hey Now!" music video by the rock band A.i.
December 02, 2007 07:26PM
Thanks James!smiling smiley
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