"Stay in my memory" by bim

Posted by Ben King 
"Stay in my memory" by bim
November 03, 2008 09:05PM
I rarely post on here cus I don't usually have the rights to things I work on!

However I thought I'd post this little gem that was made on a shoestring in spare-time by my good friend Katy Davis.

Katy has a fairly unique style of animation and its not here for crit as it had virtually no budget and there are many things (given the money/time) that could have been done differently but living and working in London is hard and expensive! Having said that the drawings are supposed to be childlike and the mix of media is also deliberate. In case you are wondering.

Shot on a Nikon DSLR and with composites of other stop-motion animations plus hand drawn cell animation with textures added in Photoshop and finally video and FX layers added and comped in AE.

I've been involved with this project since she started it and although the majority of the work is hers, I edited, graded and onlined with a few added FX in 720p in AE and FCP.

Photography, Models and Animation by Katy Davis aka Gobblynne Animation

Music by Bim (Tim Davis & Rebecca Rosier)

Consultant and Post

Anyway I hope you enjoy it!

If you like it and have a YouTube sign in please go comment on the YouTube page:

If you like the Music you can get it on UK iTunes: [www.bimmusic.com]

or - US or outside EU here: [cdbaby.com]

I can also put you in touch with Tim if you want to use any of their music or commission them to write a track for you. PM me or email me.

Just checked the stats on YouTube and as of 04 November 2008 it had over 150,000 views and was rated:

#1 - Top Rated (This Month) - Film & Animation - United Kingdom
#1 - Top Favorited (This Month) - Film & Animation - United Kingdom
#2 - Most Viewed (This Month) - Film & Animation - United Kingdom
#3 - Featured - Film & Animation - United Kingdom
#4 - Featured - Film & Animation - Ireland
#4 - Most Discussed (This Month) - Film & Animation - United Kingdom
#6 - Featured - United Kingdom
#6 - Featured - Ireland
#13 - Top Favorited (This Month) - Film & Animation
#19 - Top Favorited (This Month) - United Kingdom
#32 - Top Rated (This Month) - Film & Animation
#39 - Top Rated (This Month) - United Kingdom
#66 - Most Discussed (This Month) - Film & Animation
#45 - Most Viewed (This Month) - Film & Animation
#82 - Most Viewed (This Month) - United Kingdom

Gotta love statistics!

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Re: "Stay in my memory" by bim
November 04, 2008 04:59PM
Gotta love the flickering moon at the end. Good job, Ben!

Re: "Stay in my memory" by bim
November 04, 2008 06:06PM
That was lovely. Really like it. Great work all around. Music has a sort of Shins feel to it.

Michael Horton
Re: "Stay in my memory" by bim
November 07, 2008 06:36PM
Yes...beautiful. Nice work.

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: "Stay in my memory" by bim
November 12, 2008 01:18PM
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