"Smile Pretty"
August 08, 2009 03:01PM
"Smile Pretty" is a film which was, like most independent films, difficult to sell. But particularly so in this case because it's based on the true story of a child who grew up in child pornography and then managed to escape.

It's pretty grim stuff and was in the news a few years ago. For various reasons she was dubbed "The DisneyWorld Girl" by the press and subsequently appeared on Oprah and whatnot.


We have at last found a home for it and the DVD street date is August 11th. It will be in Best Buy, NetFlix, Blockbuster, Amazon and (amazingly) WalMart.

The girl is played by Scout Taylor-Compton who is a very experienced young actor who plays the Jamie Lee Curtis part in the Halloween remakes and also will soon be seen in "Love Ranch" playing Joe Pesci's girlfriend - also starring Helen Mirren.

By the way, the film was shot under the title "Nasty" but the distributors wanted something more "audience friendly".

So that's my good news.

The trailer is on YouTube. Please see below and take a look.

It was shot HD and the picture, sound mix, ADR and foley all done in FCS.



Harry Bromley-Davenport.
Re: "Smile Pretty"
August 09, 2009 10:22PM
the trailer is strong and cleverly edited. since i saw the movie in excerpts at your place some time ago, i realize you must have had difficulty in getting it looking grungy enough to sell it to this genre's distributors; but it looks like you've got it there now. congratulations. wish you better luck with your next project. you're a very capable filmmaker.
Re: "Smile Pretty"
August 11, 2009 06:57PM
Hey there -

Thanks so much for the kind and generous email. And it's true that these DVD distributors are mainly low end action/"urban" people. Of course, the fact is that we couldn't get anyone else to take it because they were terrified of the subject matter.

In any case, they have managed to get it into all these retailers and rental places, so at least the damn film is out there and not moldering away on the shelf.

I've got two more films coming out on Video On Demand In November and December, so I'm a veritable fountain of creativity these days.

All the best to yu and your various projects.


Harry Bromley-Davenport.
Re: "Smile Pretty"
December 03, 2009 12:37AM
congratulations. wish you better luck with your next project..smileys with beer

adam holland
Re: "Smile Pretty"
December 03, 2009 12:41AM

Thanks very much for the kind email.


Harry Bromley-Davenport.
Re: "Smile Pretty"
February 07, 2010 07:44PM
that video is wicked cool! nice clean production.. how can i own it on DVD? you have any hard-copies for distribution and sales?

great work!

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