Pleasantville effect in FCP or Color?
March 31, 2008 10:46AM
I have a tight deadline (May 10) for work, and I have to make a 3-5 minute video using the "Pleasantville" effect- essentially certain people/things in the shot have to be color in a black & white world. I have read up on doing the pleasantville effect in FCP, and have tried it, but the objects I'm trying to keep in color are not uniform so I have been making mattes and tracking them through the shot. Only problem is, you can see the edges of the mattes on the final image even if I feather them a little.

I wondered what the best way to do this effect is - I know in Color there's a way to do it but I'm worried about the time it will take and the learning curve since I don't really know Color.. Could someone out there suggest the best way to do this effect given my time constraints? Any tricks for making edges of mattes disappear?

Re: Pleasantville effect in FCP or Color?
April 01, 2008 08:07PM
There is a bit of a steep drop into Color - it's a fully featured outfit and not really for the dabbler with no time.

What I would suggest is doing the Pleasantville trick in FCP and using keyframes to track the colour changes over time. Mattes shouldn't be required.

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