Dumb S**T question about how to correct an overexposed region
March 10, 2009 03:18PM
I've inherited a project and several clips the client wants used have over-exposed regions. For example one shot has too much light coming in through a small window. One clip is too much exposure in a sunset (the sun) behind trees. Have never come across this cause I shoot my own B-Roll and try to avoid these issues with correct camerawork. Does anyone out there know how to tone down a specific color without desaturating the rest of the clip? I've gone through the effects pallet and have not found one that works, maybe it is a combination that works. I am this project using FCP 5.1.2 Have searched the FCP manuals and come up dry -- again. Any feedback is appreciated and would be helpful.
Re: Dumb S**T question about how to correct an overexposed region
March 10, 2009 05:56PM
In FCP's 3-way CC you can use the Limit Effect feature (found at the bottom of the 3-way CC window) to isolate a single color. If the area you are trying to fix is completely blown out you are probably out of luck though as there's no picture info left to try and salvage.

Re: Dumb S**T question about how to correct an overexposed region
April 03, 2009 10:29AM
Captain's blowout fixer found on this page. It's invaluable.


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