1080i 60 Project to Apple Pro Res

Posted by jasontmorton 
1080i 60 Project to Apple Pro Res
July 17, 2009 01:00AM
Any one know how i can make a clean apple pro res in compressor from my 1080i 60 project. I've tried a couple different settings but the video keeps coming out a bit jittery.

My sequence is HDV 1080i 60 (1440x1080) Frame rate is 29.97. Here is the last set of settings I used in compressor and it still jittered:

File Extension: mov
Estimated file size: 26.31 GB
Audio: multi-track passthrough
Video Encoder
Format: QT
Width: 1440
Height: 1080
Pixel aspect ratio: HDV 1080i (16:9)
Crop: None
Padding: None
Frame rate: (100% of source)
Selected: 29.97
Frame Controls: Automatically selected: Off
Codec Type: Apple ProRes 422 (HQ)
Multi-pass: Off, frame reorder: Off
Chroma filtering enabled
Pixel depth: 24
Spatial quality: 50
Min. Spatial quality: 0
Temporal quality: 0
Min. temporal quality: 0

Re: 1080i 60 Project to Apple Pro Res
July 17, 2009 11:32AM
This may seem counterintuitive, but I'd try

Frame Controls: On
Output Fields: Top first
Deinterlace: Better

Try a small section if your clip is long (using in/out points in the preview window)
Re: 1080i 60 Project to Apple Pro Res
July 17, 2009 11:35AM
If your output format is set to interlaced, the "deinterlace" setting has no effect.

What does "a bit jittery" mean? You're monitoring your footage on a proper broadcast monitor, right?

Re: 1080i 60 Project to Apple Pro Res
July 17, 2009 12:15PM
"a bit jittery" meaning that it looks like it drops a frame or 2 during pans. I don't have a broadcast monitor here just viewing it on my imac via QT player. My client wants to use the Apple Pro Res to make a blu ray.
Re: 1080i 60 Project to Apple Pro Res
July 18, 2009 11:58AM
It could be dropped frames on playback, especially if your machine is not fast enough, or if your drive is too full. ProRes HQ 1080 requires substantially faster drives than HDV.

Quicktime Pro is not an accurate gauge for critical video monitoring, as it will drop quality or frames to keep up with real time playback if the system is not up to scratch, or it will lag.

You need to monitor it via FCP via a broadcast monitor, with "report dropped frames on playback" checked.

Or monitor it in FCP by the signal out through a video camera to a TV.

Or burn a DVD/Blu-Ray and watch it on a TV. (Not as reliable as the first 2 options i mentioned)

Re: 1080i 60 Project to Apple Pro Res
July 18, 2009 01:43PM
Thanks guys I think I found the solution. I had to tell QT Conversion to do 29.97. It was outputting weird fps when I would export the whole 45min sequence. The weird thing is that when I did a 5-10sec test it stayed at 29.97 with the QT Conversion default but when I did the whole sequence it gave me a 25.07 fps.

I'm not worried about it being "broadcast standard" just as long as it looks good on the blu ray. I'll be burning a blu ray next week and will see how it looks. Thanks!
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