Need help preparing "uncompressed" standard definition DV files for VFX artist

Posted by ixschell 
Need help preparing "uncompressed" standard definition DV files for VFX artist
March 22, 2010 01:24AM

My film was shot on a Sony PD-150, standard definition DV, then I captured the footage in Final Cut Pro 5.0 on my Mac G5 running OSX 10.4.11. I need to give a visual effects artist footage that is the best quality possible.

I was told the way to get the highest quality out of DV is to recapture the footage with a AJA Kona card, which captures the footage in an uncompressed format.

Does anyone know if the final quality will be better if I recapture the footage uncompressed with a AJA Kona card? Or, will it be just as good if export it from FCP uncompressed 10-bit? If I need to recapture it, where can I have that done in the LA area?

Thank you!
DV is 8-bit so there is no benefit to exporting it at 10-bit. DV is compressed so there's no benefit to exporting it uncompressed. Just export it as a DV file; it will look the same.

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