What the guy who lead the FCP revolution thinks about FCP X

Posted by Andy Field 
What the guy who lead the FCP revolution thinks about FCP X
June 24, 2011 07:30PM
Interesting take on all this - that Apple could (and might still) avoid this angst by simply calling this an entirely different product - and supporting FCP7 until FCPX can at least do what the previous version did.

DVCreators.net leader on FCP X - a dispassionate response
Re: What the guy who lead the FCP revolution thinks about FCP X
June 24, 2011 07:50PM
And here's Michael Wohl's take, if you can excuse the overenthusiastic interviewer. He was on that original FCP team too. It gets good about halfway down.

Re: What the guy who lead the FCP revolution thinks about FCP X
June 24, 2011 08:37PM
and here's Conan O'Bryan's team -

Well, that didn't take long -
June 24, 2011 08:07AM
the Führer isn't happy with FCP X

Fuhrer dislikes FCP X
Re: Well, that didn't take long -
June 24, 2011 09:49AM
i think his response was quite restrained. considering our lovely editing software has been raped beyond recognition and left for dead, quite a reasonable response, reserved even smiling smiley

premier/avid all day long from here on out. bar one tower and a laptop i'll be using with v7 for as long as possible.

Let's Put it O' Brien's way....
June 24, 2011 05:49AM
Come down guys, just watch this
June 24, 2011 12:46AM
This has officially become a major, mainstream embarrassment to Apple...

Granted, at this point, it's starting to become an excuse by non-editors to just bash Apple... but if it forces Steve Jobs' hand in fixing this situation, I'm for it.
Re: WOW! Now CONAN O'BRIEN piles on FCPX!
June 24, 2011 01:35AM
Oh, and if that isn't enough, watch this NOT IRONIC video about who FCPX is for... made by the guy (David Pogue) who is clearly in Apple's pocket. In other words, this is exactly what Steve Jobs/Randy Ubilos wanted to put out there (before the s--- hit the fan).

I WARN YOU. You WILL want to vomit. It's like a nightmare...

Re: WOW! Now CONAN O'BRIEN piles on FCPX!
June 24, 2011 05:56AM
Well, that proves it to me. Just like with Shake back then. We've been trashed.
Re: WOW! Now CONAN O'BRIEN piles on FCPX!
June 24, 2011 08:16AM
Wow, the Pogue video just raised my blood pressure by at least 30 points. Talk about insult to injury. Wow.
Re: WOW! Now CONAN O'BRIEN piles on FCPX!
June 24, 2011 09:19AM
Flabasha Wrote:
> [video.nytimes.com]
> gy/personaltech/100000000878633/final-cut-pro-gets
> -easier.htm

not valid url
Re: WOW! Now CONAN O'BRIEN piles on FCPX!
June 24, 2011 09:33AM
Try this


All the best,

Re: WOW! Now CONAN O'BRIEN piles on FCPX!
June 24, 2011 09:45AM
It keeps going back to "The Reddest Village in China". Is there a message in there that we need to see? eye rolling smiley
Re: WOW! Now CONAN O'BRIEN piles on FCPX!
June 24, 2011 10:52AM
You'll see the correct video to the right.

You won't thank me when you do see it.
Re: WOW! Now CONAN O'BRIEN piles on FCPX!
June 24, 2011 11:38AM
The Hitler video apparently touched a nerve at Apple. I got the following email after posting a link to it on the FCPX discussions at Apple. Of course there are by now dozens of "off topic" discussions on the Apple forums re the release of FCPX. I wonder if all these will also be deleted?

Dear Peter,

Apple removed your post titled, "Herr Hitler Won't be Getting FCP X," because it contained the following:

Off-topic or non-technical posts

We are including a copy of your post at the end of this email for your reference.

Our terms of use, which include helpful information about using Apple Support Communities, is located here: [discussions.apple.com] . We encourage you to continue using the Apple Support Communities while abiding by our terms of use.

If you would like to send feedback to Apple about a product, please use the appropriate selection here: [www.apple.com]

As part of submitting feedback, please read the Unsolicited Idea Submission Policy linked to the feedback page.

Best regards,
Apple Support Communities staff
Re: Well, that didn't take long -
June 24, 2011 03:19PM
The Hitler piece is hilarious. ROFL kind of hilarious. You see what an editor can do, when they let loose their creativity? (I wonder what platform it was put together on? Do I see Avid's SubCap feature there?grinning smiley

I did think that the Conan piece was notable only in that it put editors on camera. Holy Moley! When has that ever happened? We're famous for a day. Or half a day. Or a few minutes.

As far as its content -- way too inside baseball, and you could say the same thing about every other platform as well. Did you notice the audience couldn't figure out when to laugh?

Oh well, at least we're getting tons of jokes as a result of this release. Do you think Jobs will come out at the next big Supermeet and slam FCP X like he did Mobile Me at WWDC?

Seriously though, I'm just going to wait for the dot one version, like I nearly always do on software, and then try it out - but probably not on any big projects at first.


Professor at USC Film School, Editor, Writer, Speaker
Re: What the guy who lead the FCP revolution thinks about FCP X
June 25, 2011 12:28AM
Sorry guys...gonna merge all the threads with Conan or Hitler in them. It's getting boring already.

When life gives you dilemmas...make dilemmanade.

Re: What the guy who lead the FCP revolution thinks about FCP X
June 25, 2011 01:38AM
Let me add my little contribution to the video thread.

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